Page 17 - GLNG Week 08 2022
P. 17

GLNG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              GLNG

       currently under contract to ADNOC LNG, a   LNG for power generation.”    0.97mn GDRs, spending a total of $49mn.
       subsidiary of ADNOC. Upon the conclusion   The supply, operations and maintenance   After the buyback launched by Russia’s
       of its contract with ADNOC LNG, the Ish will   of the FSU will be undertaken by ADNOC   largest bank Sber (Sberbank), more Russian
       be deployed to AG&P as a floating storage   L&S while the conversion of the LNG Carrier   equity names could buy their own shares
       facility, extending the vessel’s life by at least   (LNGC) to FSU will be completed by AG&P   on the low market, similarly to the 2020
       11 years and up to 15 years, and bolstering   subsidiary, GAS Entec. PHLNG will be the   buyback wave. The trend is likely to continue
       ADNOC L&S’ recently established FSU   5th FSU-based LNG import terminal in the   as Russian equity enters a second sell-off wave
       revenue stream, while providing PHLNG’s   world, after those in India, Malta, Malaysia,   amid the spike of military tensions in Eastern
       customers with resiliency of supply.   and Bahrain. The integrated PHLNG offshore/  Ukraine.
         Capt. Abdulkareem Al Masabi, CEO of   onshore import terminal will have an initial   “In general, we view the buyback as
       ADNOC L&S said: “This agreement builds   capacity of 5mn tonnes per annum (mtpa).  supportive for the company’s share price, and
       on our existing partnership with AG&P   ADNOC, February 23, 2022         we could see an increase in purchases in the
       and demonstrates our continued focus                                     current environment. The company’s GDRs
       on maximising value from our assets. By                                  are trading at $174/GDR, which is close to the
       providing AG&P with another flexible storage   EUROPE                    level seen in late February 2021 during the
       solution for their new LNG terminal, we                                  pandemic trough,” Sova Capital commented,
       are able to extend the operational life of this   Russia’s Novatek gas major   while maintaining a Buy call on Novatek’s
       vessel, unlocking incremental value and new                              shares.
       opportunities for growth. Furthermore, as   buys back more shares          EBITDA of Novatek, Russia’s largest
       the provider of world-class shipping, offshore                           liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter, soared
       logistics and onshore services, we are growing   Russian gas major Novatek reported buying   in 2021 by 90%, landing at RUB748bn
       our global footprint, delivering cutting-edge   back 0.88mn shares and global depository   ($9.9bn), the company reported on February
       technology and services to our partners. Our   receipts (GDRs) from February 14 to 18, for a   16, attributing the result to soaring oil and gas
       project with AG&P in the Philippines will   total $18mn at an average price of $206.5 per   prices.
       contribute to the economic growth of the   GDR. Since the approval of its new buyback
       country by leveraging the potential of clean   in December 2021, Novatek has purchased

       Week 08   25•February•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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