Page 4 - GLNG Week 08 2022
P. 4

GLNG                                          COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

       Eni and Brazzaville eye

       gas export prospects

       The Italian major has unveiled plans for installing 2mn

       tpy of LNG production capacity in the Republic of Congo’s

       offshore zone

        PROJECTS &       THE Republic of Congo (ROC) is mostly known  though, Eni said it wanted to speed up work on
        COMPANIES        as a source of crude oil, but it also possesses sub-  a project that would allow ROC to monetise a
                         stantial reserves of gas – at least 10 trillion cubic  much larger share of its gas by opening up access
       WHAT:             feet (283bn cubic metres) of gas as of the end of  to the world market.
       Eni CEO Claudio Descalzi   2021, according to official data. This is enough to   More specifically, the company’s CEO, Clau-
       says associated gas from   make its reserves the seventh-largest in Africa,  dio Descalzi, told analysts during a conference
       Marine XII fields may be   but much of the total has consisted of associated  call that Eni was fast-tracking a plan to establish
       used to produce LNG as   gas that developers have re-injected into offshore  two flexible, modular LNG production facilities
       early as next year.  oilfields in order to maintain reservoir pressure.  in the offshore zone. One of the facilities will
                           In other words, ROC hasn’t done much  be built near the shore and the other offshore,
       WHY:              to develop gas for its own sake. But that may  and both will process associated gas from fields
       The Italian major’s   change, according to Italy’s Eni, a major investor  within the Marine XII block, he explained.
       ambitions align with the   in ROC’s offshore zone.      Together, Descalzi added, the two units will
       government’s Gas Master                                be able to turn out around 2mn tonnes per year
       Plan (GMP).       Eni’s fast-track plan                (tpy) of LNG. Eni hopes to begin production in
                         For the last several years, the Italian major  2023 and will sell Congolese LNG on the spot
       WHAT NEXT:        has been providing significant volumes of gas  market, he added.
       ROC is likely to face some   from fields within the Marine XII block to two
       challenges along the path   onshore thermal power plant (TPPs), known as  Gas Master Plan
       towards becoming a gas   Central Électrique du Congo (CEC) and Central  The Eni CEO did not comment on the cost of
       exporter.         Électrique du Djeno (CED), for use in electricity  this undertaking, name any potential partners
                         generation. These two TPPs already account for  or offer further details about his company’s
                         a super-majority of ROC’s power production,  intentions.
                         with CED, which is owned 20% by Eni, making   It’s reasonable to assume, though, that Brazza-
                         up 60-70% of the total on its own.   ville will support the Italian major’s plans. What
                           These gas supply initiatives are important for  Descalzi described is in line with the Gas Mas-
                         the Congolese economy, but they are not nec-  ter Plan (GMP) that the Congolese Ministry of
                         essarily major sources of revenue. Last week,  Hydrocarbons drafted last year in co-operation

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 08   25•February•2022
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