Page 7 - GLNG Week 08 2022
P. 7

GLNG                                         COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

                         – said in late 2020 that it would focus on advanc-  interest in Papua LNG and 19.6% in the original
                         ing Papua LNG alone, having previously been  PNG LNG.
                         pursuing  a  twinned  development  of  both   The reports said ExxonMobil had agreed to
                         facilities.                          sell 12% at “fair market price” to PNG parties.
                           The original plans called for the addition of  However, a larger proportion of the equity
                         three trains – two at Papua LNG and one at PNG  stake in the field would need to be sold in order
                         LNG – as an integrated development, with the  for PNG to take 34.5% in the field. Thus the
                         two projects located next to each other and shar-  new ownership structure when accounting
                         ing infrastructure. But when plans to develop  for PNG’s stake in the project still needs to be
                         the additional train at PNG LNG looked par-  confirmed.                     Development
                         ticularly uncertain, Oil Search indicated that it   Meanwhile, Reuters also reported that the
                         would turn its attention to what would initially  government had secured a take of 63% under   of P’nyang is
                         be a two-train development at Papua LNG. It  the P’nyang gas field deal, compared with 49%   proposed to begin
                         cited interest from all parties involved in simpli-  in PNG LNG and 51% in Papua LNG.
                         fying plans for expansion of PNG’s liquefaction   “This is a massive win ... and also sets a new   after the 5.4mn
                         capacity.                            benchmark for future negotiations,” the PNG
                           Following this week’s breakthrough, though,  Prime Minister’s Office said.  tonne per year
                         the prospects for P’nyang’s development and the   Development of P’nyang is proposed to begin
                         expansion of PNG LNG have improved consid-  after the 5.4mn tonne per year (tpy) Papua LNG   (tpy) Papua LNG
                         erably. However, the project now looks different  project is brought online, which is currently tar-  project is brought
                         compared with the original proposal, having  geted for 2027. The field is estimated to hold 4.36
                         become decoupled from Papua LNG during  trillion cubic feet (123bn cubic metres) and is   online.
                         negotiations over the past couple of years.  anticipated to take about four years to develop
                                                              once construction starts.
                         What next?                            PNG LNG currently has a nameplate capac-
                         ExxonMobil currently owns a 49% interest in  ity of 6.9mn tpy, but can produce up to 8.5mn
                         P’nyang, while Santos has 38.5% and JX Nippon  tpy at its peak. The breakthrough for P’nyang
                         owns a 12.5% stake. Local media reported this  comes at a time when LNG demand is rising. In
                         week that under the new agreement, the PNG  its annual LNG market outlook this week, Shell
                         government would have a 34.5% equity stake in  said it anticipated demand for the super-chilled
                         the project – significantly higher than its 22.5%  fuel almost doubling to 700mn tpy by 2040.™

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