Page 16 - MEOG Week 27
P. 16

MEOG                                        n e W s in  B rie F                                        MEOG

                                           ADNOC to boost August oil            barrel in April, helped by OPEC+ cuts and
       oi L                                                                     a barrel from a 21-year low below $16 a
       Jordan says Iraq to resume  exports as OPEC+ cuts set                    a recovery in demand as governments ease
                                                                                coronavirus lockdowns.
       oil supplies this week              to ease                              russia have to perform a balancing act of
                                                                                  Saudi Arabia, OPEC’s de facto leader, and
       Jordan said that neighbouring iraq expected   Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC)   pushing up oil prices to meet budget needs
       to resume transporting crude oil over the   plans to boost its oil exports in August,   while not driving them too high to avoid a
       border by truck in the next few days after   the first signal that OPEC and its allies are   resurgence of U.S. shale production.
       Baghdad suspended supplies last week due to   preparing to ease record oil output cuts   reUters
       a steep fall in global oil prices.  next month, three sources familiar with the
         Jordanian Energy Minister Hala Zawati   development told reuters.      Iran’s oil storage almost full
       told reporters on Tuesday that iraqi officials   The Organization of the Petroleum
       had notified the Amman government they   Exporting Countries and allies led by russia,   as sanctions and pandemic
       would begin loading from the Kirkuk oilfields   known as OPEC+, have been cutting oil
       on Wednesday, with deliveries expected to   output since May by a record 9.7 million   weigh
       arrive at Jordan’s border on either Thursday or   barrels per day after the coronavirus crisis
       Friday.                             destroyed a third of global demand.  iran has slashed crude oil production to its
         Under an agreement signed last year, iraq   After July, the cuts are due to taper to 7.7   lowest level in four decades as storage tanks
       provides Jordan with 10,000 barrels per day,   million bpd until December although a final   and vessels are almost completely full due to
       covering 7% of the country’s daily needs,   decision has yet to be taken.  a fall in exports and refinery run cuts caused
       Zawati said at the time.              Key OPEC+ ministers hold talks next   by the coronavirus pandemic, industry data
         Jordan said on July 2 that iraq had asked   week.                      showed.
       to suspend supplies when oil prices went   industry and trading sources said ADNOC   Total onshore crude stocks surged to
       below $20 a barrel, making it uneconomic for   plans to raise its crude oil exports by as much   54 million barrels in April from 15 million
       Baghdad to sell under a price formula tied to   as 300,000 barrels per day in August, citing oil   barrels in January, and swelled further to 63
       Brent oil prices and accounting for transport   loading programmes by the company.  million barrels in June, according to FGE
       and insurance costs.                  Gulf OPEC producer the United Arab   Energy.
         “We were understanding of the iraqi   Emirates will pump according to its output   Market intelligence firm Kpler estimated
       position,” Zawati said on Tuesday.  quota under the OPEC+ agreement, which   iranian average onshore crude storage for
         The deal was part of a broader push by   is 2.590 million bpd, up from 2.446 million   June to be around 66 million barrels.
       Jordanian Prime Minister Omar al razzaz to   in July, the sources familiar with ADNOC’s   That is around 85% of available onshore
       expand trade ties with his country’s eastern   exports and production plans said.  storage capacity.
       neighbour and press ahead with an oil   ADNOC declined to comment.         “However, it will technically not be
       pipeline project to export iraqi crude from   ADNOC has notified its customers of its   possible to fill tanks to 100% given technical
       Jordan’s red Sea port of Aqaba.     plans to cut crude oil nominations for August   constraints at storage tanks and potential
         Zawati said she expected the oil pipeline   by 5% for all grades in line with OPEC+ pact   infrastructure bottlenecks,” said Homayoun
       to take three years to construct once a final   to reduce oil supplies, a source told reuters   Falakshahi, a senior analyst at Kpler.
       agreement was signed with Baghdad. The two   last month.                   Tensions between Tehran and Washington
       countries reached a preliminary agreement   Last month, OPEC+ sources told reuters   have ratcheted up since 2018, when the
       last year to pursue the project, estimated to   that OPEC and russia will likely ease record   United States withdrew from a 2015 nuclear
       cost about $5 billion.              oil production cuts from August as global oil   pact between iran and six major powers and
       reUters                             demand recovers and prices have bounced   President Donald Trump reimposed sanctions
                                           back from their lows.                on iran, hammering vital oil exports.
                                             Oil prices have recovered to above $43   iran’s floating storage is also filling up.
                                                                                Shipping sources said iran was estimated to be
                                                                                using in the region of 30 tankers to store oil –
                                                                                most of them supertankers, each of which can
                                                                                carry a maximum of 2 million barrels of oil.
                                                                                  This would equate to over 50 million
                                                                                barrels of oil being stored, which has been
                                                                                static for some months. This is likely to be a
                                                                                combination of crude and condensate, a very
                                                                                light grade of crude, the sources said.
                                                                                  refinitiv data showed a maximum of 56.4
                                                                                million barrels were being held in floating
                                                                                storage by July 3.
                                                                                  iran’s fleet of crude oil tankers numbers
                                                                                54 vessels, data from valuations specialist
                                                                                VesselsValue showed.
                                                                                  “iran storage is expected to continue as we
                                                                                do not see these vessels being able to trade

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 27   08•July•2020
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