Page 17 - MEOG Week 27
P. 17

MEOG                                        n e W s in  B rie F                                       MEOG

       anytime soon,” a spokesman for shipping   new low, and a fraction of the more than 2.5   The agreement will see the two companies
       group NOrDEN said.                  million bpd that iran shipped in April 2018.  work together in many areas, including talent
         “The exact number of iranian vessels on   Kpler estimated June crude exports at   development and technology incubation and
       floating storage is a bit of a black box as they   237,000 bpd and FGE at 210,000 bpd.  piloting.
       have all turned off their AiS signals,” he said,   reUters                 Abdullah Al-Shaksy, CEO and co-founder
       referring to a vessel’s tracking transponder.                            at Phaze Ventures, said, “We are on a mission
         The oil ministry is trying to manage crude                             to provide disruptive technology companies
       stocks by shutting more production.  ser V i C es                        with the early-stage investments and strategic
         iran’s total liquid production - including                             support they need to transform traditional
       crude oil, condensate and natural gas liquids   Phaze partners with OQ to   industries such as the global energy and
       - fell from 3.1 million barrels per day (bpd) in                         logistics sectors.
       March to 3 million bpd in June, according to   transform future of energy   “This agreement marks an important
       FGE. The firm predicts the production will fall                          step on that journey. Strategic partnerships
       by another 100,000 bpd in July.     operations                           with forward-thinking global players such as
         Crude production was as low as 1.9                                     OQ allows us to provide innovators with the
       million bpd in June, according to reuters   Phaze Ventures, an Oman-based venture   unique opportunity to develop and deploy
       OPEC survey. That was almost half of iran’s   capital firm, and OQ, Oman’s global integrated  their offering and, ultimately, supercharge
       production in 2018, and the lowest level since   energy services company, has signed a   their growth.”
       1981, the beginning of iran’s war with iraq   Memorandum of Understanding which will   The agreement follows Phaze Ventures’
       and attacks on its oil facilities, according to   see the organisations work closely together   partnership with Petroleum Development
       OPEC data.                          to develop, deploy and invest in disruptive   Oman in 2018 and the launch of the regions
         iranian exports also fell to new lows as   energy technologies from across the globe.  first energy-focused startup accelerator
       an oversupplied market and the coronavirus   The agreement incorporates several   program, further solidifying their position as
       pandemic made it harder for Tehran to find   areas of collaboration in support of the two   a critical player in the future of the regions’
       customers willing to take its sanctions-hit oil.  organisations’ core missions. it brings together   transition.
         iranian crude exports were around 100,000   Phaze Ventures technology and investment   oiL reVieW
       bpd in May, according to Kpler, and around   ecosystem with OQ’s global operating
       210,000 bpd according to FGE, reaching a   platform and industry-leading expertise.

       Week 27   08•July•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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