Page 8 - MEOG Week 27
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MEOG P ro J e C ts & C om Panies MEOG
ADNOC shuts Bab for maintenance
Uae ABU Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) shut in a press statement, ADNOC said that
in the onshore Bab oilfield at the end of June to Archirodon would “build the facilities and infra-
carry out maintenance. The field, which has a structure required to sustain long-term crude oil
capacity of 420,000 barrels per day, will remain production capacity of the field at 485,000 bar-
offline until late July. rels per day”. it added that the contract has a term
Prior to the shutdown production from of 39 months.
Bab was running above 370,000 bpd of light, The work comprises around 35 apiece of new
sour Murban crude, which has an APi gravity oil production and water injection wells, and gas
of 40.5°. An ADNOC spokesperson said: “The lift facilities at a similar number of wells across
maintenance is expected to last for approxi- multiple zones of the large field, 160 km south-
mately four weeks [and the field] will be taken west of Abu Dhabi City.
offline for the duration of the maintenance.” ADNOC added that the job would include
in June, the UAE joined Saudi Arabia and well-bays, let down stations, water injection clus-
Kuwait in cutting extra production volumes, ters and other infrastructure required to sustain
with OPEC’s three swing producers cutting production capacity.
by 1mn bpd, 80,000 bpd and 100,000 bpd, in late 2017, CPECC won the $1.5bn-plus
respectively. EPC contract for the Bab integrated Facilities
Prior to the additional cuts, the emirates project, which sought to increase production at
committed to limit production to 2.44mn bpd Bab from around 420,000 bpd to 450,000 bpd by
from May until the end of July, giving an esti- the end of 2020 and an extension of the life of the
mated net average for the month of 2.34mn bpd. ageing field, on stream since 1958.
Meanwhile, Argus reported that ADNOC This larger project is believed to be running
will continue to apply a 5% discount to client to schedule, with the scope of work including
nominations for August-loading volumes. the expansion of integrated processing facilities
in November 2019, ADNOC awarded a at the Thamama-A, Thamama-B and Thama-
major engineering, procurement and construc- ma-H production zones at Habshan, Abu Dhabi.
tion (EPC) contract for the expansion of Bab, in July, ADNOC said that digital oilfield technol-
which is operated by the state firm’s ADNOC ogy would be introduced to remotely monitor
Onshore division. and analyse well performance.
Following the submission of bids in March With ADNOC saying that maximising
last year, the $489mn deal was awarded to Greek in-Country Value was a key criterion, Abdul-
contractor Archirodon, which is believed to have munim Saif Al Kindy, executive director of
beaten offers from CAT Group and Target Engi- ADNOC’s Upstream Directorate, said that
neering, both local, fellow Greek-based Con- the “competitive and rigorous tender process”
solidated Contractors Co. (CCC) and China had been carried out to ensure that more than
Petroleum Engineering & Construction Co. “75% of the award value will flow into the UAE’s
(CPECC). economy”.
P8 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 27 08•July•2020