Page 6 - AsiaElec Week 09 2023
P. 6

AsiaElec                                          POWER                                              AsiaElec

       Taiwan breaks new ground with

       subsea power cables

        TAIWAN           TAIWAN’S ongoing efforts to seemingly  according to reports, with the finished site
                         power the nation of 24mn by way of increas-  producing a mix of cables capable of trans-
       WHAT:             ing numbers of large-scale offshore wind  mitting high and medium voltages.
       Taiwanese firm to cut   installations received a major boost in late   Responsibility for the construction falls
       teeth on subsea cable   February.                    primarily on the host nation firm, with
       making.             Coming in the form of an agreement to  NKT offering required technical support as
                         build the nation’s first subsea power cable  needed.                      Crucial for
       WHY:              factory, wind industry officials across Tai-  Yu-Lon Chiao, Walsin Lihwa’s chairman,
       Nation’s reliance on   wan have seen the deal with Denmark’s NKT,  said of the deal that “Taiwan is blessed with   the Taiwanese
       offshore wind in the   a leading global cable maker, as key in being  an abundance of wind resources, present-
       years ahead demands   able to increase the presence of wind instal-  ing vast commercial opportunities in off-  partners in the
       local awareness of   lations around the island.      shore wind power and submarine cable.
       transmission tech.  A press release issued by NKT, to announce  Walsin is honoured to enter into a win-win   joint venture is
                         the joint venture with local specialty cable  partnership with NKT, a world-class cable   the inclusion of
       WHAT NEXT:        manufacturers Walsin Lihwa, said: “The fac-  solutions provider with leading technol-
       Installation by 2027.  tory will produce high- and medium-volt-  ogy, to further our clean energy strategy   NKT technology
                         age AC offshore power cables mainly for  and contribute towards Taiwan’s green
                         the Taiwanese offshore wind market. This is  energy future.”            under licence.
                         expected to grow rapidly in the next decade   Crucial for the Taiwanese partners in the
                         to drive the green transition of the country.”  joint venture is the inclusion of NKT tech-
                           “We expect high growth in the Asian  nology under licence, but the exact role the
                         market in the coming decades. Taiwan is  new venture will play in upcoming offshore
                         targeting to install [an] additional 15 GW of  installation plans is as yet unclear.
                         offshore wind by 2035. The joint venture is an   The Ministry of Economic Affairs in Tai-
                         attractive opportunity for NKT from a finan-  wan is expected to add at least 3 GW of off-
                         cial perspective and an opportunity for us to  shore capacity to the national grid in the next
                         participate in a new growing market, which is  four years, with much of this forecast to be in
                         otherwise challenging to serve,” NKT presi-  waters off central Taiwan’s west coast.
                         dent and CEO, Alexander Kara, was later   Plans are also afoot to add around 15 GW
                         reported as saying.                of additional capacity in the same west coast
                           The NKT-Walsin Lihwa deal will see  region, and are expected to be announced in
                         the factory site up and running by 2027,  the next few years.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 09   01 •March•2023
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