Page 8 - AsiaElec Week 09 2023
P. 8

AsiaElec                                        NUCLEAR                                              AsiaElec

       Vietnam ponders move back

       towards nuclear power

       Japan and Russia watch closely as Vietnam looks to reboot nuclear program

        VIETNAM          VIETNAM’S  Atomic Energy Institute  end of the Vietnam War just over a decade later.
                         (VINATOM) will this year make moves towards   These parts and much of the expert man-
                         continuing previously abandoned research on  power was, it is thought, shipped back across the
                         the use of nuclear power in the country.  Pacific before American forces withdrew from
                           According to sources in the Vietnamese cap-  Saigon – modern day Ho Chi Minh.
                         ital, Hanoi, an annual plan energy released by   Reports suggest that Vietnam did once again
                         VINATOM will see a base study on the applica-  look at possible nuclear power generation with
                         tion of nuclear power coupled to fields as varied  the intent of establishing its own nuclear power
                         as agriculture and healthcare with the overall  plants (NPPs), by way of research carried out
                         goal of helping the country of 99.7mn bounce  from the early 1980s until the mid-2000s.
                         back from three years of COVID that claimed   Extensive plans were then put in place, and
                         the lives of around 43,000.          international agreements made with authorities
                           Unlike Myanmar, however, with its recent  in Russia and Japan with the goal of bringing
                         Naypyidaw-Moscow deal in place, Vietnam will  online 8 NPPs between 2020 and 2025. Total
                         instead be entirely self-sufficient and will not  capacity was predicted to eventually be 8 GW.
                         be relying on any foreign governments to help   Four of these NPPS were planned with
                         speed up the process, at least not on the surface.  Russian backing, the remainder with aid
                           Instead, Hanoi will be conducting its own  from Tokyo, already by that time a key over-
                         research into nuclear fuel, processing and asso-  seas partner in energy production in the
                         ciated safety issues as well as all other aspects  country.
                         of early atomic energy integration into existing   In 2016, however, Vietnam’s central govern-
                         energy infrastructure.               ment announced that it was discontinuing its
                           Late last year the serving deputy director of  nuclear power programme, with reports at the
                         VINATOM, Tran Ngoc Toan, as a senior official  time putting the reason down to limited eco-
                         of the agency operating under the government’s  nomic viability.
                         Ministry of Science and Technology, announced   Fast  forward  seven  years,  and  Hanoi  is
                         that the nation’s Da Lat reactor had been opera-  once again raising the issue of nuclear power
                         tional for a total of 4,530 hours.   generation.
                           This figure was, according to Tran, almost   Precise reasons beyond helping to pro-
                         51% higher than its planned target rate, making  duce medicine, and aiding in agricultural and
                         it capable of aiding in the production of medi-  other practices, have not yet been officially
                         cines used in cancer treatments in the country.  announced, although a need to reach eventual
                           Verification on the claims about the Da Lat  net-zero status is casting a shadow over much
                         reactor is notoriously hard to achieve, as it is  of the region.
                         generally believed that following its initial oper-  More specifically for Vietnam, so too is for-
                         ating run in 1963 and for several years after-  mer nuclear partner Japan’s refusal over the last
                         wards, albeit with US aid, all working parts of  year to build or support the construction of any
                         the Triga reactor in place were removed near the  more coal power plants in the country.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 09   01 •March•2023
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