Page 4 - DMEA Week 28 2021
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Sonangol launches

       Lobito tender as Cabinda

       comes into view

       Angola has launched bidding for investment partners to develop its flagship Lobito
       oil refinery while another downstream facility is edging towards completion.

        AFRICA           ANGOLAN  national oil company (NOC)  the plant’s complexity to produce higher-quality
                         Sonangol last week launched a tender for invest-  fuels suitable for export.
                         ment in the long-awaited Lobito oil refinery as a   The unit will form the core of a new indus-
       WHAT:             top official said he expects another downstream  trial hub that will facilitate the development of a
       A ceremony was held   unit to be on stream in a year’s time.  domestic petrochemicals sector.
       last week to launch the   On July 9, a ceremony was held in Lobito in   In order to make the project appealing to
       tender for a 200,000-bpd   Benguela Province to launch the tender with  potential partners, several studies have already
       refinery at the port city   Minister of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas Dia-  been carried out by Sonangol, including eco-
       of Lobito.        mantino Azevedo and Benguela Governor Luís  nomic feasibility, dredging of Lobito Bay
                         Nunes in attendance, as well as local and inter-  and construction of a road suitable for heavy
       WHY:              national prospective investors.      machinery.
       The facility has been in   The plan for the refinery envisions the con-  The facility is also central to plans for a
       planning for the best   struction of a new oil-processing plant in several  cross-border fuel pipeline between Angola and
       part of two decades and   stages. The proposed final stage would bring the  Zambia.
       progress has been limited   facility’s throughput capacity up to 200,000 bar-  Plans for the Angola-Zambia Oil Pipeline
       despite the signing of   rels per day (bpd).           (AZOP) have gone through numerous iter-
       various agreements.  Sonaref, the state oil firm’s refining arm, has  ations, and it is now expected to cost around
                         said it anticipates the Lobito plant being finished  $5bn, roughly double the figure quoted around
       WHAT NEXT:        by 2025.                             a decade ago.
       Angola hopes Lobito will   A 1.5-square km site has been allocated just   Also known as the Refined Petroleum Mul-
       come on-stream by 2025   north of Lobito. As previously conceived, the  ti-Product and Natural Gas Pipeline Project, it
       while the 60,000-bpd   refinery would be built in two phases – the first  is expected to run 1,400 km through the ‘Lobito
       unit in development   comprising low-conversion units aimed at satis-  Corridor’, connecting the planned Lobito refin-
       in Cabinda is seen   fying local demand, and the second upgrading  ery in the coastal Benguela province to the
       coming into operation in

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 28   15•July•2021
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