Page 9 - DMEA Week 28 2021
P. 9

DMEA                                             POLICY                                               DMEA

       Washington will not issue

       ultimatums over JCPOA revival

        MIDDLE EAST      WASHINGTON has said that it will not issue  credit for economic momentum brought about
                         ultimatums on the deadline for a seventh round  by a restored nuclear deal.
                         of Vienna talks on reviving the 2015 nuclear deal   US President Joe Biden came to office in Jan-
                         between Iran and major powers, but added that  uary pledging to pursue a return to the JCPOA,
                         “nuclear advances” made by the Islamic Republic  which traded an end to UN and other sanctions
                         in the meantime could impact on the decision  for checks on sensitive Iranian nuclear activities
                         of the US as to whether or not to rejoin the pact.  to ensure they did not venture into the military
                           US State Department spokesman Ned Price  sphere.
                         said that only Tehran could state when the talks   That deal was abandoned by US President
                         will continue.                       Donald Trump in May 2018, in favour of reim-
                           “We’re not imposing a deadline on these  posing heavy US sanctions in the push to secure a
                         talks,” Price said, “but ... we are conscious that  tighter nuclear deal and other geopolitical goals.
                         as time proceeds Iran’s nuclear advances will   The sanctions pushed Iran into a bitter reces-
                         have a bearing on our view of ultimately return-  sion that lasted nearly three years.
                         ing to the [Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action   Six rounds of talks in Vienna reportedly made
                         (JCPOA)].”                           progress but yielded no final deal. Russia has said
                           Iran analysts are weighing up if a path to  an agreement to revive the JCPOA is 90%-com-
                         restoring the deal might be agreed in the waning  plete. But Iran has continued to step up urani-
                         days of the moderate Rouhani administration, or  um-enrichment efforts.
                         if the sealing of an agreement might be delayed   If it crosses a certain line with those activities,
                         until the hardline Raisi presidency commences  the US and European powers might conceivably
                         in August.                           abandon the idea of a JCPOA restart.
                           The former option would give future Raisi   Tehran has consistently denied it is pursuing
                         officials some scope for blaming the predeces-  nuclear weapons, but the UN nuclear watchdog
                         sor administration should a relaunched JCPOA  IAEA and Western intelligence have in the past
                         end up badly for Iran, while the latter possibility  accused it of lying and obfuscating about its
                         would allow the Raisi government to take more  objectives. ™

       Week 28   15•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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