Page 12 - DMEA Week 28 2021
P. 12

DMEA                                             REFINING                                              DMEA

       Iraq continues refinery

       awards with Fao deal

        MIDDLE EAST      IRAQ’S  Ministry of Oil (MoO) this week   DMEA understands that that the local Amira
                         announced the award of a contract to China  Group was among several companies to have
                         National Chemical Engineering Co. (CNCEC)  expressed an interest in working on the Fao facil-
                         for the construction of a major refinery and pet-  ity, but following several failed initiatives with
                         rochemical complex south-east of Basra.   small and relatively unknown players, Baghdad
                           The Chinese company will build the project,  is keen to attract household names.
                         which comprises a 300,000 barrel per day (bpd)   Meanwhile, earlier this month the MoO
                         refinery and a petrochemical complex on the  chose the al-Awsat Energy consortium – com-
                         al-Fao Peninsula. Downstream MEA (DMEA)  prising Norinco, PowerChina, China Nuclear
                         understands from sources within the MoO that  Engineering & Construction (CNEC) and
                         the refinery will be built at a cost of $6bn, with  an unnamed Emirati company – to develop a
                         the petchems facility costing an additional $12bn  100,000 bpd refinery in the southern Dhi Qar
                         and likely to be constructed at a later stage.  Governorate.
                           While statements from the ministry lacked   The facility will include units for hydrogena-
                         detail, the development of the downstream  tion, benzene improvement, isomerisation, fluid
                         facilities is understood to be carried out under a  catalytic cracking (FCC), continuous catalytic
                         build-operate-transfer (BOT) or build-own-op-  reforming (CCR) and asphalt production as well
                         erate-transfer (BOOT) contract.      as an electric power production unit, and will be
                           The announcement comes three and a half  configured to produce Euro 5 specification fuels.
                         years after a contract for the construction of   Baghdad appears to be making good on
                         the refinery was awarded to state-owned firms  promises to build out the country’s refining sec-
                         China North Industries Group Corporation Ltd  tor and has plans to cut the government’s gaso-
                         (Norinco), Power Construction Corporation of  line import bill by up to 50% by the end of the
                         China (PowerChina), with that award having  year as part of a wider effort to end imports of
                         failed to lead to any progress.      the fuel by 2023.™

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