Page 16 - DMEA Week 28 2021
P. 16

DMEA                                            PIPELINES                                              DMEA

       EACOP, TPDC, Tanzania sign

       landowner compensation deal

        AFRICA           THE East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP)  the land being requisitioned for construction of
                         consortium, which was formed to establish an oil  the pipeline in line with the laws of Tanzania and
                         export route running from western Uganda to  the performance standards set by International
                         the Tanzanian coast, has signed its first tri-partite  Finance Corp. (IFC), a member of the World
                         land compensation agreement with residents of  Bank Group. The consortium will not seek to
                         areas along the pipeline’s designated path.  access the land designated for pipeline construc-
                           The agreement was signed last week at an  tion until it makes the compensation payments
                         event attended by EACOP’s Managing Direc-  and issues a notice to vacate, he said.
                         tor Martin Tiffen, Tanzania’s Energy Minis-  He also noted that the agreement signed by
                         ter Medard Kalemani, and James Mataragio,  the consortium, the Energy Ministry and TPDC
                         the managing director of Tanzania Petroleum  spelled out the exact type of compensation that
                         Development Corp. (TPDC). According to  each landowner would receive. Some will receive
                         press reports, TPDC and the Energy Ministry  both monetary compensation and a package of
                         were also signatories to the document, as were  benefits, including replacement housing, access
                         the owners of the land in question.  to livelihood restoration programmes and tran-
                           Kalemani said at the signing ceremony  sitional support packages, he said.
                         that the agreement provided for TZS2.5bn   The EACOP link will follow a 1,445-km
                         ($1.078mn) to be paid to 391 citizens of Tanza-  path from Hoima, a town in western Uganda, to
                         nia. This includes 44 residents of the village of  Tanga, a port on Tanzania’s coast. It will handle
                         Sojo in Tabora region, he said, noting that mem-  216,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil from Blocks
                         bers of this group would receive a collective sum  1, 1A, 2 and 3A in western Uganda, which are
                         of TZS424.8mn ($183,182), or almost 17% of the  home to the Kingfisher and Tilenga fields. These
                         total.                               fields are due to begin production in 2025 and
                           The minister went on to say that the docu-  will eventually yield at least 260,000 bpd of
                         ment clearly identified the persons entitled to  crude.
                         compensation. As a result, he said, EACOP   The pipeline will be built by a consortium
                         should be able to make the necessary payments  in which France’s Total will serve as the oper-
                         quickly, without any debate over the details of  ator and have a 37.5% stake. The remaining
                         the deal.                            equity will be divided between China National
                           “I want the process to be finalised as soon  Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC), with 37.5%;
                         as possible so that disbursement can start even  Uganda National Oil Co. (UNOC), with 15%,
                         today,” he declared. “We have no time to waste.  and TPDC, with 5%. Both Total and CNOOC
                         We want the project to start immediately and be  are involved in developing the oilfields that will
                         completed in time.”                  provide throughput for the pipeline; the former
                           Tiffen, for his part, said that EACOP was  company serves as operator of Tilenga, while the
                         committed to compensating all of the owners of  latter is leading work at Kingfisher.™

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