Page 19 - DMEA Week 28 2021
P. 19

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       as demand increases and many road users are   at the border say Angolan fuel is much more   Alweendo says Namibia is currently better
       shunning the formal oil market. As a result,   affordable compared to local fuel.  prepared for any supply disruption.
       the police in Ohangwena and other regions   Vendors sell five litres of petrol for between   “We have increased our effective national
       have their hands full trying to bring oil   N$40 and N$55, while local pump prices   reserves from seven to 10 days to an effective
       smugglers to book.                  increase and decrease depending on the   30 to 45 days, making the country more
         The Namibian recently visited Oshikango   international market from which it is sourced.  secure in terms of this strategic commodity.”
       and found a cat-and-mouse situation between   According to the government, the local   The oil storage facility started operating in
       fuel vendors and police officers at the town.   oil-storage facility would keep these monthly   February.
       Fuel vendors seem to range from young boys   fluctuations less extreme. “Rather gradual and   NAMIBIAN
       to middle-aged women. Transactions between   implemented in a manner that is manageable
       smugglers and vehicle owners are swift, with   and reasonable under the circumstances,”
       the police ever at their heels.     the ministry says. This is, however, yet to be
         Road users interviewed by The Namibian   realised.

       Week 28   15•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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