Page 17 - DMEA Week 28 2021
P. 17

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       POLICY                              on which it will construct a 25,000 b/d   refineries are offline, leaving it very dependent
                                           modular refinery, according to regulatory   on imports for its fuel needs.
       UAE settles with OPEC,              filings.                             widescale protests, which began in Zuma’s
                                                                                  The jailing of Zuma on July 8, led to
                                             The deal between the companies was
       agrees to Saudi output              disclosed on the NASDAQ stock exchange   home province of KwaZulu-Natal and has
                                           and the US Securities and Exchange
                                                                                now spread to other regions.
       proposal                            Commission on July 9.                in and out of KwaZulu-Natal, and there
                                                                                  This unrest has disrupted supply routes
                                             The refinery is intended to produce IMO
       The United Arab Emirates has resolved   compliant, very low sulfur fuel oil, and will be   are concerns that fuel shortages might be
       its standoff with OPEC+ and reached a   located near the Port of Fujairah, Brooge said.  imminent, according to sources.
       compromise deal that will give it a new output   Blue Ocean Energy will be responsible for   In a letter to clients dated July 13, Sapref
       quota, said a delegate.             building the refinery and financing the cost of   said it had to make the difficult decision to
         The cartel will set a new date for a meeting   construction. Brooge will then be responsible   shut down the plant and declare force majeure
       soon, the delegate said, asking not to be   for operating the refinery, earning revenue   due to “to the civil unrest in the country and
       named because the information was private.  from tolling fees on a take-or-pay basis. The   disruption of supply routes in and out of
         Last week, the Organization of Petroleum   deal between the two firms includes a tolling   Kwazulu-Natal.”
       Exporting Countries and its allies were   contract of 20 years, consisting of a five-year   The 175,200 b/d refinery, operated by Shell
       forced to abandon a tentative deal to boost oil   contract to commence upon completion of the  SA Refining and BP Southern Africa, had only
       production because of last minute objections   construction of the refinery, and three renewal   just restarted a few weeks ago after a month-
       from the UAE. If the compromise is ratified   periods of five years each, Brooge said.  long maintenance. The refinery is a key
       at a new meeting, it could potentially open   “The modular refinery will be focused on   exporter of bunker fuel, fuel oil feedstocks,
       the way to higher output, although some   producing VLSFO and will be fully compliant   bitumen and base oils.
       members have already locked in most of their   with the new IMO 2020 very low sulphur   A spokesman at Sapref was unavailable for
       supply volumes for August.          rule,” Nicolaas Paardenkooper, CEO of Brooge  comment.
         The UAE has agreed on a new baseline of   Energy, said. “With the UAE adding to its   Fuel imports in South Africa are likely
       3.65 million barrels a day for its production   oil production capacity, which we anticipate   to continue at elevated levels as the country
       cuts, the delegate said, an increase from   will drive demand for refining services for   grapples with a collapse in its refining
       about 3.17 million currently. The country will   both the domestic and export market, we   capacity.
       now support a proposal from Saudi Arabia   believe this is an opportune time to enter this   South Africa has imported around 317,000
       to extend the duration of the OPEC+ cuts   segment of the oil industry.”  b/d of refined products so far in 2021,
       agreement to December 2022, the delegate   Blue Ocean Energy FZE could not   according to estimates from data intelligence
       said.                               immediately be reached for comment.  firm Kpler. This is the highest in almost
       BLOOMBERG                           S&P PLATTS                           a decade, according to S&P Global Platts
                                                                                estimates. This compares with 191,000 b/d
                                           SAPREF declares force                and 173,000 b/d in 2020 and 2019 respectively,
       REFINING                                                                 Kpler data showed.
                                                                                  South Africa, a net importer of transport
       Brooge Energy leases                majeure on civil unrest              fuels, has ramped up its intake of diesel and
                                           South Africa’s largest refinery Sapref has shut
                                                                                gasoline, with almost half the country’s total
       Fujairah refinery project to        down due to social unrest caused by the arrest   refining of 510,000 b/d offline due to recent
                                           of former President Jacob Zuma, pushing the
                                                                                refinery hitches.
       Blue Ocean                          refiner to declare majeure on the supply of all   and Astron Energy’s 110,000 b/d Cape Town
                                                                                  The 125,000 b/d Engen refinery in Durban
                                           oil products, sources close to the matter said
       Brooge Energy Ltd. has signed an agreement   on July 14.                 refinery remain offline.
       to sublease land to Blue Ocean Energy FZE,   This means three out of the country’s five   The Engen refinery will be converted into

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