Page 19 - DMEA Week 46
P. 19

DMEA                                              FUELS                                               DMEA

     NLNG set to increase domestic

     LPG supplies by 28.6% in 2021

        NIGERIA          THE Nigeria LNG (NLNG) consortium is gear-  from next year. That is a very positive contribu-
                         ing up to increase the volume of LPG reserved  tion from NLNG.”
       The consortium aims to   for domestic consumption by more than a quar-  He also stated that the consortium was tak-
       produce 450,000 tpy   ter next year.                   ing this step in line with the federal government’s
       of LPG for the domestic   Tony Attah, NLNG’s managing director,  efforts to promote the use of LPG on the domes-
       market in 2021.   said last week that the group hoped to bring the  tic market. Abuja sees LPG as a safer and cleaner
                         amount of LPG allocated to the domestic market  cooking fuel, he commented.
                         up to 450,000 tonnes in 2021. This year, he noted,   Expanding LPG consumption will also ben-
                         NLNG is slated to deliver about 350,000 tonnes  efit the Nigerian economy by creating new jobs
                         per year (tpy) of LPG to Nigerian consumers,  and responding to the challenges posed by the
                         equivalent to 35% of total domestic supplies. As  coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the NLNG
                         a result, the higher number would represent a  chief claimed. Additionally, it will put the coun-
                         rise of nearly 28.6% on present levels.  try in a position to play a key role in the global
                           Attah, who was speaking at a webinar organ-  transition to cleaner fuels, he said.
                         ised by the Oil and Gas Group of the Nigeri-  Attah went on to say that the rise in LPG use
                         an-British Chamber of Commerce (NBCC),  would help Nigeria make the best use of its vast
                         pointed out that this increase was in line with  natural and associated gas resources. He noted
                         long-term trends. “In 2007, the total consump-  that Nigeria’s federal government has already
                         tion of LPG in Nigeria was about 50,000 tonnes,”  dubbed 2020 the “Year of Gas” but urged offi-
                         he said. “Today, it is about 1mn million [tpy]  cials in Abuja to do more, saying that intensive
                         and NLNG’s contribution is 350,000 [tpy]. We  gasification programmes had the potential to
                         have approached our board to get a mandate to  transform the Nigerian economy within the next
                         increase NLNG’s contribution to 450,000 tonnes  10 years. ™

       Week 46   19•November•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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