Page 16 - DMEA Week 07 2021
P. 16

DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       Mubadala Petroleum                  Defense College in Abu Dhabi..       and widen its customer base.”
                                                                                  The expansion of ADNOC’s product
       appoints CEO                                                             range is also part of its broader downstream
                                                                                2030 Smart Growth Strategy. The strategy
       Mubadala Petroleum today announced that   Saudi Yansab resumes           capitalizes on Abu Dhabi’s proximity
       Mansoor Mohamed Al Hamed has been   operations at olefins plant          to global growth markets, access to
       appointed Chief Executive Officer of the                                 competitive feedstock, and its attractive
       international oil and gas exploration and   Yanbu National Petrochemical Company   fiscal and regulatory environment. Since
       production company, which is a wholly-  (Yansab) announced resuming operations at   launching the strategy in 2018, ADNOC
       owned subsidiary of Mubadala Investment   its Olefins Plant on 15 February 2021 after   has attracted significant foreign investment
       Co.                                 completing the scheduled maintenance.  into Ruwais and expanded downstream
         Al Hamed succeeds Dr. Bakheet Al     Maintenance work for the Ethylene Glycol   partnerships across its refining, fertilizer,
       Katheeri, who was recently appointed to   plant is still ongoing and is expected to   and pipeline assets. This strategy is
       an executive leadership position in the   complete by the next week as was previously   transforming Ruwais into a world-class
       newly formed UAE Investments platform of   announced, according to a bourse filing on   and globally competitive chemicals cluster,
       Mubadala. In this new role Dr Al Katheeri   February 15.                 stimulating private sector activity and long-
       will be responsible for overseeing the   Previously, the Tadawul-listed firm   term specialised employment opportunities,
       strategic development of a diverse portfolio   estimated the financial impact of this   particularly for those from the Al Dhafra
       of industrial UAE-based assets, including   maintenance based on average prices at SAR   region.
       Mubadala Petroleum.                 90 million, to be reduced by optimising the   ADNOC Refining produces more than
         Al Hamed previously held the position   available inventory.           40 million metric tons of high-quality
       of Chief Growth Officer, responsible for all   The financial impact will reflect during   refined products to markets around the
       new business development and Mergers   the first and second quarters of 2021.  world. It has the capacity to refine more
       & Acquisitions activities. He brings with                                than 922,000 barrels of crude oil and
       him over 15 years of diverse experience in                               condensate per day into various products,
       the oil and gas industry and across various   ADNOC captures more        including liquefied petroleum gas, naphtha,
       disciplines of business leadership.                                      gasoline, jet fuel, diesel, base oil, and
         Musabbeh Al Kaabi, Chief Executive   value through product             petrochemical feedstock; such as propylene.
       Officer of UAE Investments at Mubadala                                   It also produces specialty products such as
       Investment Company and Chairman     diversification                      carbon black and calcined coke.
       of Mubadala Petroleum, commented:                                          Since 2019 ADNOC Refining has been
       “Mubadala Petroleum has demonstrated   ADNOC announced that it has added   run as a joint venture company between
       incredible resilience in the face of   white spirit and solvents to its refined   ADNOC and the European energy firms
       challenging market conditions and   products portfolio. This allows ADNOC   Eni and OMV.
       experienced sustained growth over the years.   to capture more value from Abu Dhabi’s
       Throughout his tenure, Mansoor has been   natural resources, producing products
       integral to driving the company’s growth and   that can be used by domestic industry   Egyptian petchems
       central to its international expansion over   to promote In-Country manufacturing,
       the years. In his new role, and alongside the   while also expanding its market reach   producer SIDPEC selects
       leadership team at Mubadala Petroleum, he   internationally.
       will provide the continuity and focus needed   White Spirit & Solvents are produced   Honeywell solution to
       to take the organization forward amidst an   by ADNOC Refining in Ruwais. These
       evolving global energy landscape and the   specialty products have various industrial   upgrade production
       ongoing energy transition.”         and household applications and are used
         Al Hamed commented on his         to produce products such as varnish,   capabilities
       appointment: “It is a great privilege to   adhesives, inks, paint thinners    and
       have been entrusted with the leadership of   cleaning agents.            Sidi Kerir Petrochemicals Co. (SIDPEC), a
       Mubadala Petroleum. Having been with   In our refineries, we continue to focus   leading petrochemicals producer in Egypt,
       the company for over a decade, I have seen   on stretching the margin from every   has selected Honeywell Process Solutions
       firsthand how our combination of deep   barrel of oil that we process.  I am proud   technology to upgrade the production
       technical and operational excellence together   of our teams who responded swiftly and   capabilities of its flagship petrochemical
       with strategic acumen and enduring industry   efficiently to market dynamics, expanding   complex in Alexandria, which produces
       partnerships, has enabled the business to   and diversifying our product range and   ethylene and polyethylene for the domestic
       chart a successful path forward. Our efforts   unlocking value from our operations and   Egyptian market. The upgrade is part of
       in recent years to drive operational and cost   resources. These products will enable   an expansion of the facility to incorporate
       efficiencies have had a substantial impact and  ADNOC to extend its reach to new markets   propylene and polypropylene production
       ensured we have a platform for growth.”  and widen its customer base.Abdulla Ateya   and increase the supply of petrochemical
         Before joining Mubadala Petroleum   Al Messabi, CEO of ADNOC Refining,   products to domestic and international
       in 2010, Al Hamed worked in a highly   said: “In our refineries, we continue to   customers. The upgrade was achieved
       diversified private sector business based   focus on stretching the margin from every   in just 10 days, allowing SIDPEC to get
       in the UAE, gaining experience across   barrel of oil that we process. I am proud   back to production as quickly as possible,
       commercial and managerial roles held in   of our teams who responded swiftly and   Honeywell said in a press release.
       various business sectors.           efficiently to market dynamics, expanding   Egypt is the top consumer of
         Al Hamed holds a BSc degree in Business   and diversifying our product range and   polypropylene in Africa, consuming about
       Administration from the American    unlocking value from our operations and   4.4 kg of polypropylene per capita. Rapid
       University in Dubai and two MSc degrees   resources. These products will enable   population growth and urbanisation will
       from Abu Dhabi University and National   ADNOC to extend its reach to new markets   see this number grow by 5% annually

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 07   18•February•2021
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