Page 11 - DMEA Week 07 2021
P. 11

DMEA                                             POLICY                                               DMEA

       TPAO seeks partners for

       Black Sea gas field

        TURKEY           TURKISH Petroleum Corp. (TPAO) is reported  Laurent Ruseckas, executive director at IHS
                         to be speaking to IOCs about potential collab-  Markit, said: “TPAO does not have a deepwa-
       Turkey estimated the   oration on the development of the offshore  ter track record and it would reduce timing and
       field's size at 405 bcm.  Sakarya gas field, located in the Turkish sector  delivery risk to partner with an experienced
                         of the Black Sea.                    operator.”
                           The news comes as the company presses   Meanwhile, with 16 bcm per year of Turkey’s
                         forward with appraisal work on the asset which  long-term gas supply contracts up for renegotia-
                         Ankara sees as a game-changer for the country’s  tion this year, the development of the discovery
                         energy security.                     will provide Ankara with an alternative to costly
                           Company sources were quoted by Bloomb-  imports once it comes into operation.
                         erg last week as saying that Sakarya will   The company has kicked off an ambitious
                         require an estimated capital budget of around  fast-tracking appraisal programme, with Fatih
                         $3.2bn to deliver first gas and TPAO has  having recently completed drilling work at the
                         reached out to several IOCs to secure fund-  Türkali-1 well. The drillship will soon be joined
                         ing and a development partner to proceed  by the Kanuni vessel, which it acquired in April
                         with the project. The reports follow earlier  2020, following the completion of maintenance
                         comments from the company’s CEO, Melih  which is being carried out at the Port of Filyos.
                         Han Bilgin, saying that TPAO would invite  The company is also closing in on a deal with
                         international partners to collaborate in the  Norway’s Dolphin Drilling to purchase a fourth
                         country’s energy sector.             drillship.
                           The company made the find at the Tuna-1   Fatih, Kanuni and the new vessel will be used
                         well with its first drillship – Fatih – in August last  to carry out the company’s 10-well appraisal
                         year, announcing the discovery of 320bn cubic  drilling campaign, with Bilgin saying recently
                         metres of gas, which was upgraded to 405 bcm  that testing would kick off on the Türkali wells
                         two months later.                    in March. The results are anticipated in June this
                           TPAO anticipates first gas in 2023 with flows  year.
                         following the drilling of 10 wells, with a further   Bilgin said last week that drilling at Türkali-2
                         30 wells to be drilled to reach a plateau of 15 bcm  has reached 3,272 metres. He was quoted by local
                         per year by 2025.                    media during a visit to Filyos where processing
                           Citing the lack of an independent review,  facilities for landed gas from Sakarya. The port
                         international observers have cast doubt over  on the country’s Zonguldak coast will be con-
                         the scale of the find as well as TPAO’s ability to  nected to the field via a dedicated 150-km subsea
                         develop it alone. Writing on Twitter last week,  pipeline. ™

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