Page 9 - DMEA Week 07 2021
P. 9
Angola, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Equatorial Guinea, vulnerable petrostates, rated as Tier 4 and 5, and
Oman, South Sudan and Timor-Leste. The least 10 of these countries are categorised as “low” in
vulnerable countries in Tier 1 are Colombia, the UN Human Development Index.
Egypt and Papua New Guinea. Myanmar, Turk- “The populations of economies that are heav-
menistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Yemen have ily reliant on fossil-fuel production are perhaps
no ranking because of a lack of data. the most obvious examples where the transition
The biggest producers in the FSU region, will also have some negatives, for example, lower
Russia and Kazakhstan, are both ranked in Tier government revenues and job losses,” Carbon
3. In the Middle East, Iran, Qatar and the UAE Tracker says. “Decisive and forward-looking
are Tier 3, while Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia policies will be required to prevent and mitigate
are in Tier 4. these impacts, both on the part of domestic poli-
Some 400mn people live in the 19 most cymakers and the overseas community.”
Week 07 18•February•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P9