Page 4 - DMEA Week 07 2021
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Mozambique LNG project may

       be back on track soon

       Total’s CEO says work may resume by the end of March, pointing to his company’s security

       agreement with the Mozambican government and insisting production will begin in 2024

        MOZAMBIQUE       PATRICK Pouyanné, the CEO of France’s Total,  On site and on schedule
                         has said that his company aims to resume work  According to press reports, the proposed
                         on the Mozambique LNG project before the  perimeter will include not only the construc-
       WHAT:             end of March, and there are indications that his  tion site but also related facilities such as a
       Pouyanné says     optimism is not misplaced. He expressed these  work camp.
       Mozambique LNG can   hopes last week, when he reminded reporters   It will also cover the town of Palma and its
       restart construction on   that Total had signed a security agreement with  bay, as well as two islands offshore, and would
       the Afungi Peninsula   Mozambique’s government in order to safeguard  extend past the town of Olombe in the south. It
       soon.             its construction site on the Afungi Peninsula.  will not include Mocímboa da Praia, a port in
                           The French company and its non-operating  Cabo Delgado that Total and its partners had
       WHY:              partners in the Mozambique LNG consortium  been using as a delivery point for the equipment
       The company and its   have been building a natural gas liquefaction  needed to build the Mozambique LNG plant on
       partners have had to   plant and other onshore facilities supporting the  the Afungi Peninsula before losing access to it
       evacuate staff following   development of gas at the offshore block known  last August.
       attacks on nearby areas   as Area 1 at the site. However, they evacuated   Pouyanné also said that Total and its part-
       by Islamist insurgents.  most workers in January and have slowed the  ners hoped to remain on schedule even though
                         pace of operations.                  they had to evacuate around 9,000 workers
       WHAT NEXT:          Under the agreement between Total and the  from the onshore site earlier this year, bringing
       If FADM upholds   Mozambican government, all areas of the Cabo  the size of the team working at the site down
       its commitments,   Delgado province within 25 km of the site must  to about 1,000. The Mozambique LNG con-
       Mozambique LNG will   be secured by the country’s armed forces, known  sortium is still working to drive the offshore
       have a better chance of   as Forças Armadas de Defesa de Moçambique  and engineering aspects of the project forward,
       beginning production on   (FADM). According to Pouyanné, if FADM  and plans to bring the liquefaction plant’s
       schedule in 2024.  upholds its part of the deal, the investors will be  first 6.44mn tonne per year (tpy) production
                         able to achieve their objectives.    train on stream in 2024 have not changed, he
                           “If, on the ground, the armed forces and the  stressed.
                         police are able to re-control the area that we   “Stopping for two or three months does not
                         agreed together, I think by the end of the first  mean we can’t hit the 2024 target,” the Total CEO
                         quarter we should be able to restart the work,” he  remarked.
                         was quoted as saying by Bloomberg and other   “My highest priority is the security of ... the
                         agencies. “That’s the objective that we set to our-  staff who work on the ground in Mozambique,”
                         selves jointly with the government.”  he added.

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