Page 4 - GLNG Week 27 2021
P. 4

GLNG                                         COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

       Japan counts on CNL to

       help offset emissions

       The country’s natural gas buyers have begun importing carbon-neutral
       LNG (CNL) as they explore methods to reduce their carbon footprints

        ASIA             HEAVYWEIGHT liquefied natural gas (LNG)  offset all of the emissions associated with the
                         importer Japan is ramping up efforts to slash  production, transport, processing and end-use
                         carbon emissions connected to its imports of  of the Japanese company’s LNG purchases.
       WHAT:             the fuel.                              The carbon credits are generated by the Anglo-
       Osaka Gas and Tokyo   The East Asian country was the world’s larg-  Dutch super-major’s various nature-based projects
       Gas aim to supply their   est importer of the super-chilled fuel last year,  throughout the world that help reduce or avoid
       industrial and wholesale   and while it appears set to lose that crown to  greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Shell acquired
       clients with CNL.  China this year, the country will continue to be  its first nature-based solutions business last year
                         one of the driving forces of the international gas  when it bought 100% of Select Carbon, a special-
       WHY:              market for many years to come.       ist company that partners with Australia’s farmers,
       Japan has pledged   With that in mind, coupled with the govern-  pastoralists and other landowners to develop car-
       to achieve net-zero   ment’s pledge last year that the country would  bon-free farming projects.
       emissions by 2050.  be carbon neutral by 2050, Japan’s gas import-  Osaka Gas added that it would begin sup-
                         ers have begun pushing to reduce the emissions  plying carbon-neutral city gas subsidiary Dai-
       WHAT NEXT:        connected to their LNG purchases.    gas Energy’s customers from August 1. Daigas
       While carbon credits are                               has signed a number of agreements with clients
       helping to deliver the   CNL strategy                  since April 1 to begin supplying carbon-neutral
       first few cargoes of CNL,   Osaka Gas said on July 6 that it had received  city gas and has also wrapped up deals to start
       technologies such as   its first cargo of carbon-neutral LNG (CNL) at  wholesaling carbon-neutral city gas and CNL to
       CCUS will become more   its Senboku LNG Terminal, with the shipment  a collection of gas utilities.
       important over time.  coming from Brunei LNG under a deal signed   The executive vice-president of energy solu-
                         with Royal Dutch Shell.              tions subsidiary Shell Energy, Steve Hill, said the
                           The 1.8mn tonne per year (tpy) Brunei LNG  deal with Osaka Gas served as a “unique” exam-
                         terminal is a joint venture between the Brunei  ple of collaborative action across the gas sector
                         government with 50% and Shell and Mitsubishi  value chain.
                         each with a 25% stake. The Amani LNG car-  He said: “Shell, Brunei LNG and Osaka Gas
                         rier delivered the cargo, which was also Brunei  have collaborated to offset lifecycle [carbon
                         LNG’s first shipment of CNL.         dioxide equivalent] CO2e emissions of this
                           Osaka Gas said that under the deal Shell had  cargo, which is an important step in growing the
                         agreed to use its nature-based carbon credits to  market for carbon-neutral LNG.”

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 27   09•July•2021
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