Page 7 - GLNG Week 27 2021
P. 7

GLNG                                             AFRICA                                               GLNG

                         Rwanda’s energy sector, for extracting meth-  or charcoal. He has also said he expects that
                         ane from Lake Kivu. The company said earlier  “approximately half” of the company’s future
                         this year that it might be able to start produc-  production will be used as cooking fuel.
                         ing methane quickly enough to begin turning   Rwandan authorities have been encourag-
                         out CNG by the end of 2022. Under a $400mn  ing local consumers to treat CNG and LPG as
                         concession agreement signed with the Rwandan  cooking fuel instead of solid fuels such as char-
                         government in 2019, Gasmeth has the right to  coal and firewood, which are more polluting and
                         extract up to 40mn cubic feet (1.13mn cubic  more dangerous. Officials in Kigali believe that
                         metres) per day of methane from Lake Kivu and  Gasmeth’s CNG could allow 300,000-400,000
                         to build onshore gas-processing and compres-  households to phase out the use of charcoal and
                         sion facilities to produce CNG.      firewood. However, they have also highlighted
                           Stephen Tierney, Gasmeth’s CEO, has  other possibilities, such as using CNG as a sub-
                         asserted that CNG production will give Rwan-  stitute for gasoline or diesel fuel or burning it in
                         dans access to a fuel that is better than firewood  generators for industrial use.™

       Slight delay for first gas from GTA

        PROJECTS &       BP (UK) has pushed the target date for starting  close the FPSO sale and lease-back transaction
        COMPANIES        production at Grand Tortue/Ahmeyim, an off-  before the end of September 2021 and will then
                         shore natural gas-bearing block that straddles  focus on efforts to refinance the loans that the
                         the maritime border between Mauritania and  national oil companies (NOCs) of Senegal and
                         Senegal, back to the third quarter of 2023.  Mauritania took out to finance their share of pro-
                           US-based Kosmos Energy, a non-operating  ject costs. Additionally, they are working to draw
                         partner in the project, announced the delay ear-  up plans for the second phase of the project and
                         lier this week. In a statement, it said that BP had  hope to make a final investment decision (FID)
                         changed the schedule in line with information  in late 2022, as previously announced.
                         from TechnipFMC, the international oilfield   “In Mauritania and Senegal, the Grand Tor-
                         services provider that is serving as the engineer-  tue/Ahmeyim project continued to make steady
                         ing, procurement, construction, installation and  progress during the quarter, with key mile-
                         commissioning (EPCIC) contractor at GTA.  stones achieved across all major workstreams,”
                           TechnipFMC explained the need for delay  commented Andrew G Inglis, the chairman
                         by pointing out that the Chinese shipyard that  and CEO of Kosmos. “However, we are seeing
                         is building a floating production, storage and  cost inflation and supplier delays in the current
                         off-loading (FPSO) vessel for installation at the  environment together with some scope growth,
                         block had fallen behind schedule, Kosmos said.  and as a result, we are updating our estimates,
                         The shipyard, which is owned by a division of  with first gas now expected in the third quarter
                         China Ocean Shipping Co. (COSCO), is report-  of 2023.”
                         edly experiencing labour shortages because of   GTA is an ultra-deepwater block that lies
                         the uptick in economic activity that has followed  athwart the maritime border between Maurita-
                         the ebbing of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pan-  nia and Senegal. It was discovered by US-based
                         demic. As a result, it will not be able to deliver the  Kosmos Energy in 2015 and is believed to hold
                         FPSO by the previously agreed deadline, and BP  some 15 trillion cubic feet (425bn cubic metres)
                         and Kosmos will have to wait to start production.  of natural gas. BP joined the project in 2016,
                           These developments are not expected to  and the two companies made a final investment
                         cause major delays. GTA should begin yielding  decision (FID) on first-phase production in late
                         gas only about three months later than antici-  2018.
                         pated, Kosmos said.                    The partners intend to use gas from the
                           The company also noted, though, that the  licence area to support an LNG project. To this
                         change of schedule would cause the cost of the  end, they have contracted Bermuda-registered
                         project to rise. The budget for the first phase of  Golar LNG to convert the Gimi LNG tanker into
                         work at the block is on track to go up by $100mn,  a floating LNG (FLNG) plant with a production
                         it stated.                           capacity of 2.5mn tonnes per year (tpy). The
                           In the meantime, BP and Kosmos are mak-  FLNG unit will process gas delivered via pipeline
                         ing progress in other areas. They are on track to  from the FPSO.™

       Week 27   09•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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