Page 6 - LatAmOil Week 19 2021
P. 6
LatAmOil MEXICO LatAmOil
McDermott to carry out FEED
study of FPU for BHP’s Trion field
US-BASED McDermott International will pro- BHP as a positive development for his company.
vide front-end engineering and design (FEED) “We look forward to being a partner with BHP
services for a semi-submersible floating produc- and Pemex in the establishment of the first deep-
tion unit (FPU) that will be installed at Trion, a water oilfield development project in Mexico,”
field located off the coast of the Mexican state of he said.
Tamaulipas. When finished, the FPU will be installed at
McDermott said earlier this week that it a location that lies 180 km from shore and 30
had won the contract to design an FPU capa- km south of the US-Mexico maritime border.
ble of working in 2,500-metre-deep water from It will be capable of extracting up to 100,000
Australia’s BHP, the operator of Trion. In a barrels per day (bpd) of oil from Trion, which is
statement, it said that the contract covered “engi- expected to begin production in the mid-2020s
neering tasks related to the configuration, sizing at the earliest.
and analysis of the FPU, including topsides, hull, Equity in the Trion project is split between
risers and mooring.” BHP, with 60%, and Mexico’s national oil com-
The company did not reveal the value of the pany (NOC) Pemex, with 40%. The partners
FEED study or say when it expected to complete discovered oil at the block in 2012 and now esti-
its work. It did indicate, though, that the study mate its reserves at 500mn barrels of oil equiv-
would build on the pre-FEED study it con- alent (boe).
ducted under a previous contract. It also said it
intended to set up a “single, integrated team” to
carry out tasks related to project management
and execution planning.
Samik Mukherjee, McDermott’s group sen-
ior vice-president for projects, noted that several
of McDermott’s facilities would contribute to
engineering and design work for the FPU. “With
integrated project management, engineering,
procurement services and self-fabrication in our
yards in Altamira, Mexico and Batam, Indone-
sia, McDermott’s globally integrated EPC pro-
ject delivery capabilities will allow us to reduce
risk and enhance certainty of delivery on the
BHP Trion project,” he said.
Meanwhile, Mark Coscio, senior vice-pres-
ident for McDermott’s projects in North, Cen-
tral and South America, described the deal with Trion is not far south of the US-Mexico maritime border (Image: BHP)
API blasts Mexican president for
amending oil and power laws
MEXICAN President Andres Manuel Lopez policy of giving preference to public-sector
Obrador has come under fire from an influential organisations such as Pemex, the national oil
US industry association for his efforts to ensure company (NOC), and the Federal Electricity
that state-owned companies continue to domi- Commission (CFE). This policy has become
nate the domestic energy sector. part of Mexico’s legal regime following the pres-
In a letter sent to several high-ranking US idential administration’s successes in amending
officials, the American Petroleum Institute the Power Industry Law and the Hydrocarbons
(API) criticised the Mexican government’s Law last month, it noted.
P6 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 19 13•May•2021