Page 15 - NorthAmOil Week 07 2021
P. 15

NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       Third Coast Midstream               ENERGY TRANSITION                    waste and ambition of achieving a global
                                                                                net-zero carbon future,” said Bob Powell,
       completes successful debt  Chevron, Brightmark                           Founder and CEO of Brightmark. “The joint
                                                                                venture’s current RNG projects are on track to
       refinancing                         expand partnership on dairy          become fully operational as planned and with
                                                                                this additional investment, we look forward
       Lighthouse Infrastructure, a wholly owned   biomethane fuel projects     to extending the reach of our lifecycle carbon
       subsidiary of Third Coast Midstream, has                                 negative projects throughout the US, with
       entered into a new five-year credit agreement   Brightmark and Chevron USA today   plans for future international expansion.”
       consisting of a term loan facility in the initial   announced the expansion of their previously   BRIGHTMARK AND CHEVRON USA, February
       aggregate principal amount of $490mn and a   announced joint venture, Brightmark RNG   17, 2021
       $60mn revolving credit facility. The proceeds   Holdings LLC, to own projects across the
       of the facility are being used to redeem the   United States to produce and market dairy   Blackheath Resources
       outstanding Third Coast 2021 notes, repay   biomethane, a renewable natural gas (RNG).
       borrowings under Third Coast’s prior credit   Brightmark RNG Holdings LLC’s   and Wolverine Energy and
       facility, and for general Lighthouse corporate   subsidiaries currently own RNG projects
       purposes.                           in Western New York, Western Michigan,   Infrastructure announce
         “Third Coast is extremely pleased to   Central Florida and South Dakota. Additional
       have completed its debt refinancing,” said   equity investments by each company in   agreement pursuant to
       Matthew W. Rowland, president and chief   the joint venture will fund construction of
       executive officer. “The new facility extends   infrastructure and commercial operation   which Blackheath will
       our debt maturities, significantly lowers our   of five new dairy biomethane projects
       interest expense, and provides ample access   in Michigan and Arizona. Chevron will   acquire RNG development
       to liquidity. Third Coast’s Gulf of Mexico   purchase RNG produced from these projects
       midstream infrastructure business is well-  and market the volumes for use in vehicles   and clean energy assets
       positioned for growth and continued creation   operating on compressed natural gas.
       of value for its investors.”           “Working with Brightmark to add new   for $150mn from Wolverine.
       THIRD COAST MIDSTREAM, February 12, 2021  projects underpins our commitment to
                                           supplying the world with affordable, reliable   Blackheath to change its
                                           and ever-cleaner energy,” said Andy Walz,
       DOWNSTREAM                          president of Chevron’s Americas Fuels &   name to Green Impact
                                           Lubricants. “It’s an exciting time for Chevron
       Howard Energy Partners              as we continue to help advance the energy   Partners
                                           transition and help industries and consumers
       closes on acquisition of            that use our products build a lower carbon   Blackheath Resources and Wolverine Energy
                                                                                and Infrastructure today announced that
       refinery services facility in       partnership with Chevron to further   they have entered into an amalgamation and
                                              “We are delighted to expand our
                                                                                arrangement agreement dated February 16,
       Corpus Christi                      accelerate Brightmark’s mission to reimagine   2021 for the proposed sale of Wolverine’s
       Howard Energy Partners (HEP) today
       announced that it has closed on its previously
       announced agreement with a subsidiary
       of MPLX to purchase the Javelina facility,
       located in Corpus Christi, Texas. Javelina is a
       treating and fractionation plant that extracts
       olefins, hydrogen, and natural gas liquids
       (NGLs) from the gas streams produced by
       local refineries, creating purity products that
       are then sold to local markets on behalf of its
       refiner-customers. Javelina produces a wide
       range of product streams including hydrogen,
       ethylene, ethane, propylene, propane, mixed
       butane and other pentanes+ for use in the
       energy and petrochemical markets. The
       facility is connected by pipeline to all of
       the major refineries in the Corpus Christi
       area and provides a critical service to help
       ensure the refineries’ productive capabilities.
       Additionally, excess capacity at Javelina
       provides the opportunity for future growth.
       HOWARD ENERGY PARTNERS, February 15,

       Week 07   18•February•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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