Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 07 2021
P. 13

NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            reserves at December 31, 2020, which showed   we have achieved throughout our Delaware
                                           a 7% year-over-year increase in total proved   Basin acreage position, and particularly in the
       Whitecap and TORC                   reserves, including a 17% year-over-year   Stateline asset area and the Rodney Robinson
                                           increase in proved developed reserves and
                                                                                leasehold, Matador believes that it is well
       announce shareholder and            a 12% year-over-year increase in Delaware   positioned for more significant growth in its
                                                                                proved reserves volumes and PV-10 value at
                                           Basin total proved reserves, each as compared
       court approval of strategic         to the Company’s oil and natural gas reserves   year-end 2021 as commodity prices recover.”
                                           at December 31, 2019.
                                                                                MATADOR RESOURCES COMPANY, February 17,
       combination                         and CEO, commented, “Matador is pleased   2021
                                             Joseph Wm. Foran, Matador’s Chairman
       Whitecap Resources and TORC Oil & Gas are   today to report a 7% year-over-year increase
       pleased to announce that securityholders from  in our total proved reserves from 252.5mn   MIDSTREAM
       both companies have voted to support the   BOE at December 31, 2019 to 270.3mn BOE
       proposed business combination announced   at December 31, 2020, an all-time high for    Magellan Midstream
       on December 8, 2020 to combine the two   Matador. This reserves increase was achieved
       companies.                          despite the 31% reduction in oil price and the   launches open season
         On February 18, 2021, Whitecap and   23% reduction in natural gas price required
       TORC held separate special shareholder   to be used in estimating proved reserves at   for potential New Mexico
       meetings via live webcast. Each company’s   December 31, 2020, as noted in the summary
       securityholders, respectively, voted on   table following my remarks. Further, this   refined products pipeline
       resolutions in connection with the proposed   increase in total proved reserves reflects
       business combination as described in the Joint   organic reserves growth from Matador’s oil   expansion
       Management Information Circular dated   and natural gas properties and was achieved
       January 5, 2021.                    despite the reduction in the Company’s   Magellan Midstream Partners announced
       WHITECAP RESOURCES AND TORC OIL & GAS,   operated rig count from six to three during   today that it has launched an open season
       February 18, 2021                   2020.                                to assess firm customer interest in the
                                             “Matador’s year-end 2020 proved reserves   potential expansion of the partnership’s New
       Matador Resources                   also reflect a 17% year-over-year increase   Mexico refined petroleum products pipeline.
                                           in proved developed reserves, which is
                                                                                Interested customers must submit binding
       Company reports 7%                  attributable to the quality of new wells we   commitments by 5:00 p.m. Central Time on
                                           completed and turned to sales during 2020
                                                                                March 19.
       annual increase in total            and is very important to the continued   currently transports various grades of gasoline
                                                                                  The nearly 250-mile pipeline segment
                                           reaffirmation, and potential future increases,
       proved reserves, including          of the borrowing base under our reserves-  and diesel fuel from Magellan’s terminal in El
                                                                                Paso, Texas to terminals in Albuquerque, New
                                           based credit facility. Further, our total proved
       17% annual increase in              reserves in the Delaware Basin increased 12%   Mexico owned by Marathon and Vecenergy.
                                                                                Expansion of the pipe segment would provide
                                           during 2020 and now comprise approximately
       proved developed reserves           97% of our total proved oil and natural gas   the New Mexico market additional access
                                                                                to refined products from El Paso-area and
       and 12% annual increase             and the PV-10 value of our proved reserves   Gulf Coast refineries via Magellan’s extensive
                                             “Although the Standardised Measure
                                                                                pipeline system.
       in Delaware Basin proved            declined 22% and 26%, respectively, from   increase the pipeline’s capacity by more
                                                                                  The capital-efficient expansion would
                                           $2.03bn and $2.25bn at December 31, 2019
       reserves                            to $1.58bn and $1.66bn at December 31,   than 5,000 barrels per day (bpd), to a new
                                           2020, the decrease was entirely attributable
                                                                                total capacity in excess of 30,000 bpd. The
       Matador Resources Company today reported   to the reduction in commodity prices noted   higher capacity could be available in late
       its estimated proved oil and natural gas   above. Given the continued strong well results   2022 following the addition of incremental
                                                                                pumping capabilities.
                                                                                MAGELLAN MIDSTREAM PARTNERS, February
                                                                                16, 2021
                                                                                Stonehenge and UGI acquire

                                                                                Pine Run Midstream natural

                                                                                gas gathering system

                                                                                Pine Run Gathering announced today that
                                                                                it has completed a transaction to acquire
                                                                                Pine Run Midstream from an affiliate of
                                                                                PennEnergy Resources and minority partners
                                                                                for $205mn. Pine Run Gathering is a joint

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