Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 07 2021
P. 8

NorthAmOil                            PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                       NorthAmOil

       Energy Transfer to acquire Enable Midstream

        US               ENERGY Transfer has entered into an agree-  businesses.  Notably,  Energy Transfer  will
                         ment to acquire Enable Midstream in an all-  acquire gas-gathering and processing assets in
                         stock transaction valued at around $7.2bn. The  the Anadarko Basin in Oklahoma and will inte-
                         acquisition will make Energy Transfer – already  grate “high-quality” assets with its existing NGL
                         one of the biggest pipeline companies in the US  transportation and fractionation operations on
                         – nearly 40% larger.                 the US Gulf Coast. Also included in the deal
                           Under the terms of the agreement, Enable  are gas-gathering and processing assets in the
                         shareholders will receive 0.8595 Energy Trans-  Arkoma Basin and Haynesville shale play.
                         fer common units for each Enable common unit,   The companies expect that the deal will
                         based on the 10-day volume-weighted average  enhance Energy Transfer’s access to “core mar-
                         price of both companies’ shares on February  kets with consistent sources of demand” and will
                         12. In addition, each outstanding Enable Series  bolster its portfolio of “customers anchored by
                         A preferred unit will be exchanged for 0.0265  large, investment-grade customers with firm,
                         Series G preferred units of Energy Transfer, the  long-term contracts”.
                         companies said in a joint February 17 statement.  Energy Transfer anticipates that the com-
                           The transaction will also include a $10mn  bined company will generate more than $100mn
                         cash payment for Enable’s general partner.  of annual run-rate cost and efficiency synergies,
                           Energy Transfer said the deal would further  excluding potential financial and commercial
                         its efforts at paying down debt, as it was expected  synergies. The potential commercial synergies
                         to be “immediately accretive to free cash flow  include incremental earnings, which may result
                         [FCF] post-distributions, have a positive impact  from integrating Enable’s Anadarko gathering
                         on credit metrics and add significant fee-based  and processing complex with Energy Transfer’s
                         cash flows from fixed-fee contracts”.  fractionation assets on the US Gulf Coast, the
                           The acquisition will also increase Energy  companies added.
                         Transfer’s  footprint  across  various  regions   Financial services firm UBS commented that
                         and provide increased connectivity for its gas  the expected synergies should win investors over
                         and natural gas liquids (NGLs) transportation  despite the deal’s overall price tag.™


       Crescent Point to buy Kaybob Duvernay

       assets from Shell Canada

        ALBERTA          CALGARY-BASED Crescent Point Energy has  2021. Nonetheless, Crescent Point will target a
                         struck a deal to buy Kaybob Duvernay shale  lower decline rate and longer-term production
                         assets in Alberta from Royal Dutch Shell’s Cana-  of roughly 30,000 boepd once it takes over the
                         dian unit for CAD900mn ($707mn).     assets.
                           The companies said in separate February 17   The transaction marks Crescent Point’s entry
                         statements that the transaction would comprise  into the Kaybob Duvernay, which it described
                         $550mn in cash and 50mn Crescent Point shares  as a “premier and established liquids-rich play
                         worth $157mn.                        with greater than 10 years of high-return, low-
                           The sale includes roughly 450,000 net acres  risk drilling inventory”.
                         (1,821 square km) in the Fox Creek (Kaybob)   For Shell, the transaction is the latest in a
                         and Rocky Mountain House (Willesden Green)  series of sales as the super-major sheds non-core
                         areas, as well as related infrastructure. The assets  assets. Shell also sold most of its Alberta oil sands
                         currently produce around 30,000 barrels of oil  operations in 2017.
                         equivalent per day (boepd) from more than 270   “Divesting these assets underpins Shell’s
                         wells, consisting of 57% condensate, 8% natural  effort to focus the upstream portfolio to deliver
                         gas liquids (NGLs) and 35% shale gas. Crescent  cash,” Shell’s upstream director, Wael Sawan,
                         Point noted that prior to the expected closing  said of the latest transaction. “While we believe
                         of the acquisition in April, Shell is planning to  these assets hold value, the divestment allows
                         bring a number of drilled and uncompleted  us to focus on our core upstream positions like
                         (DUC) wells online. As a result, production  the Permian Basin, with integrated value chains,
                         from the assets is expected to increase to around  thereby building a resilient, lower-risk and less
                         35,000 boepd during the second quarter of  complex portfolio.”™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 07   18•February•2021
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