Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 07 2021
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       More shale drillers

       report quarterly

       results, as others

       defer them

        US               SHALE  producers including Continental
                         Resources, Devon Energy and Ovintiv released
                         their results for the fourth quarter of 2020 this
                         week. However, others including Occiden-
                         tal Petroleum and Pioneer Natural Resources
                         rescheduled the release of their earnings because
                         of the disruption that hit Texas this week as a
                         result of extreme winter weather. (See: Occidental
                         declares force majeure on freezing weather, page
                           Continental’s quarterly net loss of $92.5mn,
                         or $0.26 per share, was larger than the loss
                         it reported for the third quarter, which was
                         $79.4mn, or $0.22 per share. The increased
                         loss came as the company’s output remained  has closed its acquisition of WPX Energy, which
                         flat, even as oil prices recovered from lows seen  adds more production. Devon noted that includ-
                         earlier in 2020. Year on year, the result was also  ing the results from WPX, total production aver-
                         down on net profit of $193.9mn achieved in the  aged 584,000 boepd in the fourth quarter, with
                         fourth quarter of 2019.              oil accounting for 305,000 bpd. This result for
                           For the fourth quarter, Continental’s pro-  the combined company exceeded guidance by
                         duction averaged 339,307 barrels of oil equiv-  roughly 5%, it said.
                         alent per day, down y/y from 365,341 boepd a   Illustrating the ongoing challenges shale
                         year ago. Oil accounted for 176,639 barrels per  drillers are grappling with, Ovintiv also reported
                         day, also marking a reduction from 206,249 bpd  a net loss, coming in at $614mn, or $2.36 per
                         in the fourth quarter of 2019. Over the whole  share, for the fourth quarter of 2020. The com-
                         of 2020, the company’s production averaged  pany said its fourth-quarter production was “sig-
                         300,090 boepd, down from 340,395 boepd in  nificantly” higher than expected on strong well
          Illustrating   2019, while oil output declined over the same  results across its portfolio. Its total output during
                                                              the quarter averaged 557,000 boepd, with oil and
                         period from 197,991 bpd to 160,505 bpd.
         the ongoing       The company noted that it had achieved its  condensate volumes reaching 215,000 bpd and
          challenges     2020 completed well cost targets in both the  liquids production averaging 297,000 bpd.
                         Bakken and Oklahoma, with go-forward well
                                                                Ovintiv said it had set new, record-low well
         shale drillers   costs in the Bakken of around $690 per lat-  costs in each of its three core assets, exceeding
                         eral foot, at a 10,000-foot (3,048-metre) lateral  its stated goal of reducing 2020 well costs by 20%
         are grappling   length, and in Oklahoma of around $1,070 per  from 2019 and delivering cost reductions of 25%
                         lateral foot, at an 8,200-foot (2,499-metre) lateral  or more during the fourth quarter.
       with, Ovintiv also   length. The cost savings it achieved are 70-80%   The company also said it had agreed to sell its

        reported a net   structural and are being driven by a “reduction  assets in Canada’s Duvernay shale play in Alberta
                         in drilling cycle times, stage counts, proppant  for $263mn. This transaction, which is expected
             loss.       volumes and stimulation days, as well as the  to close in the second quarter of 2021, further
                                                              narrows Ovintiv’s focus on just three core assets
                         optimisation of artificial lift”, Continental said.
                           Devon, for its part, reported a net loss of  – the Permian and Anadarko basins in the US
                         $102mn, or $0.27 per share, in the fourth quar-  and the Montney play in Canada.
                         ter of 2020, up from a loss of $642mn in the same   The sale also brings the company another step
                         quarter of 2019, but down slightly on a loss of  closer to achieving its goal of reducing debt by
                         $92mn in the third quarter of 2020. The compa-  $4.5bn by the end of 2022.
                         ny’s output from its legacy operations averaged   In addition, Ovintiv – which was formerly
                         333,000 boepd in the fourth quarter, with oil  known as Encana – unveiled plans to link
                         output rising 7% sequentially to 156,000 bpd.  employee pay to new emissions intensity reduc-
                         However, since the fourth quarter ended, Devon  tion targets.™

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