Page 18 - LatAmOil Week 20 2022
P. 18
Karoon Energy commences
Baúna intervention
campaign in BM-S-40
southern Santos Basin
Karoon Energy reports that its contract with
Maersk Drilling for the Baúna intervention cam-
paign has commenced, following the receipt of
all permits and regulatory approvals required for
the Maersk Developer drilling rig to commence
operations. After loading supplies and equip-
ment for the program, the rig departed Rio de
Janeiro on May 8, 2022, BRT and arrived at the ROVs, have been contracted for three years firm semi-submersible accommodation vessels.
PRA-2 well site in license BM-S-40 (Baúna), plus 2 years options with Petrobras. Prosafe, May 11 2022
southern Santos Basin, on May 11, 2022, BRT. The gross value of the contracts is approxi-
The rig moored, using pre-installed mooring mately $260mn and with planned commence- HAM and Lipigas to build
buoys, and the first Baúna intervention in the ment in Q4-2022.
four-well campaign commenced on May 15, Mons S. Aase, CEO, DOF Subsea, said: “I am LNG service station in the
2022, BRT. very pleased for these awards securing utilisa-
The intervention campaign, which is aiming tion for our personnel and our assets and add- Valparaíso region
to add 5,000-10,000 bpd to Baúna production, ing important backlog to the Group. It further
comprises the installation of new electric sub- strengthens our leading position in Brazil and HAM Chile, a subsidiary of HAM Group, has
mersible pumps in the PRA-2 and SPS-92 wells, confirms our long relationship with Petrobras.” been the company selected to be in charge,
installation of gas-lift equipment in SPS-56 and DOF Group is dedicated to deliver safe and together with Empresas Lipigas, of the design,
re-opening of the lower zone of the BAN-1 well. efficient subsea solutions. construction and commissioning of a new LNG
The campaign is anticipated to take four to five DOF Group, May 16 2022 service station in Tabolango, Valparaíso region,
months to complete. The Maersk Developer rig 10 km from Concon.
is then scheduled to drill two development wells Prosafe SE issues This new service station, which will be
on the Patola Field and, subject to the receipt of launched during the month of June and will be
required regulatory licences, one or potentially update on Brazil tender open to the public, will incorporate the latest
two control wells on the Neon oil discovery. technological innovations in this type of facility.
Karoon Energy’s CEO and Managing Direc- Prosafe has been declared the winner of a bidding This project is possible thanks to Lipigas and
tor, Dr Julian Fowles, said: “The commencement process for a four-year contract by Petrobras for the company Transportes Transviña, service sta-
of the Baúna intervention program represents the provision of the Safe Eurus semi-submers- tion owner, who are experts in the transport of
the culmination of more than 18 months of ible vessel for safety and maintenance support dangerous goods, who are committed to sustain-
detailed planning and hard work from the offshore Brazil. However, a potential contract able mobility, using LNG, a more environmen-
Karoon teams and our contractor partners in award and timing of the contract award are sub- tally friendly alternative to other fuels, reducing
Australia and Brazil. Our key focus is on deliv- ject to a formal process during which other bid- CO2 emissions, nitrous oxides and fine particles.
ering this campaign safely, efficiently and on ders may appeal within the next week. Esteban Rodríguez, manager of LNG, Bio-
schedule, in close cooperation with the opera- A contract, if awarded, has a firm period fuels and Green Hydrogen of Lipigas, has stated
tor of the drilling rig, Maersk Drilling. We will commitment of four years and the commence- that “this new station will connect the regions of
update the market on progress in the June 2022 ment is in Q1-2023/Q2-2023 following on from Valparaíso and Maule through a means of trans-
quarterly report.” the expiry of her current contract. port with cleaner energy. Our objective of having
Karoon Energy, May 16 2022 The Safe Eurus is a technologically advanced a green transport corridor at the national level is
and efficient Dynamically Positioned (DP3) advancing rapidly and we hope to soon imple-
DOF group awarded multiple semi-submersible safety and maintenance sup- ment new stations that will be added to this one
and the one in Linares.”
port vessel, capable of operating in harsh envi-
contracts with Petrobras ronments. The Safe Eurus can accommodate Lipigas, a company with a presence in Chile,
up to 500 persons, has extensive recreation Colombia and Peru, is a relevant player in the
DOF is pleased to announce that Petrobras has facilities and a large capacity open deck area and Latin American energy market, whose objective
awarded new long-term charter and service con- telescopic gangway. When operating the vessel, is to satisfy the energy needs of its clients with its
tracts to Norskan Offshore Ltda. and DOF Sub- Prosafe will have strong focus on reducing emis- combined products and solutions.
sea Serviços Brasil Ltda. for four AHTS vessels sions through innovative energy performance HAM Chile Spa, a leader in cryogenic equip-
and ROVs. monitoring and associated fuel consumption ment and works, has been working for several
The vessels, Skandi Angra, Skandi Paraty, reduction. years in South America, allowing HAM Group
Skandi Urca and Skandi Fluminense, (AHTS Total value of the contract associated with the to continue its expansion and maintain greater
18000 class), currently operating for Petrobras bidding process is approximately $126mn. proximity to its customers.
and equipped with DOF Subsea’s work class Prosafe is a leading owner and operator of HAM Group, May 10 2022
P18 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 20 19•May•2022