Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 20 2022
P. 14

LatAmOil                                           BRAZIL                                           LatAmOil

                                     PetroReconcavo is targeting industrial gas buyers with access to the TAG pipeline (Image: EPE)

                         “We want to understand this movement,” he was   “competitive” rates to encourage potential cus-
                         quoted as saying by Argus Media. “Both gas pro-  tomers to move away from gas distributors.
                         ducers and consumers perceive the risks but also   “PetroReconcavo started with a fixed pricing last
                         the benefits of the migration, and all of us have   year, at which we would guarantee our costs,” he
                         appetite to assume the risks.”       told Argus Media. “Today we are not stuck to
                           Moreira did not say exactly how much of   that anymore, and we consider there is poten-
                         a discount PetroReconcavo might offer but   tial to increase our margins and still offer a very
                         did report that the company intended to set   competitive price for clients.” ™

       Petrobras cancels sale of stake

       in four Sergipe-Alagoas blocks

                         BRAZIL’S national oil company (NOC) Petro-  was looking to open up a new deepwater frontier
                         bras has said it will not proceed with the planned   province. (Sergipe-Alagoas lies off the coast of
                         sale of stakes in four deepwater sites in the Ser-  Sergipe and Alagoas states. It is far to the north
                         gipe-Alagoas basin.                  of the Campos and Santos basins, which include
                           Petrobras announced its decision at the   Brazil’s oil- and gas-rich pre-salt zone.)
                         weekend, saying in a statement that it was   “Petrobras constantly evaluates its port-
                         bringing the competitive bidding process for   folio and, considering the alignment of the
                         the partial sale of the BM-SEAL-4, BM-SEAL-  concessions to the company’s strategy and the
                         4-A, BM-SEAL-10 and BM-SEAL-11 blocks   improvement of Petrobras’ economic-financial
                         to a close without naming any winners. It   indicators, the concessions were kept fully in the
                         noted in the statement that the blocks are   portfolio, marking the beginning of the devel-
                         home to six known fields – Agulhinha, Budião,   opment of a new frontier in deep waters in the
                         Budião Noroeste, Budião Sudeste, Cavala and   Sergipe-Alagoas Basin,” the statement said.
                         Palombeta.                             The company went on to say that its deci-
                           The company assigned names to the fields   sion to cancel the Sergipe-Alagoas sale was not
                         in January of this year. It said at the time that it   a sign of flagging commitment to ongoing pri-
                         intended to develop the hydrocarbon reserves   vatisation initiatives. Indeed, it said, Petrobras
                         found there by installing two floating produc-  remains committed to streamlining its portfo-
                         tion, storage and off-loading (FPSO) platforms.  lio and strategically divesting assets in order to
                           The NOC had first offered stakes in the   maintain its focus on deepwater and ultra-deep-
                         blocks to investors in 2018 and had reached the   water upstream development. The NOC intends
                         binding phase of the sale prior to cancellation. It   to continue concentrating on these projects, it
                         explained its decision not to sell by saying that it   said. ™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 20   19•May•2022
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