Page 6 - LatAmOil Week 20 2022
P. 6

LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

       Downstream impact

       NewsBase examines some of the economic and political fallout from the

       Russia-Ukraine war, with a focus on regional markets for jet fuel and diesel

                         RUSSIA’S policy toward Ukraine has had a   crude markets is delicate enough, with commer-
                         huge impact on world oil markets over the last   cial inventories being low enough, that even a
       WHAT:             six months. Prices began moving upward late   small disruption can make a very big contribu-
       The reduction in Russian   last year as Russian troops began gathering at   tion to price volatility.
       oil flows to world markets   Ukraine’s border, and they have shot upward   It’s important to note, though, that this vola-
       has affected jet fuel and   since the outbreak of war on February 24.  tility isn’t confined to crude oil markets. Global
       diesel prices, as well as   This unprovoked invasion of a neighbouring   petroleum product markets are inevitably feel-
       crude prices.     country has led a number of Western countries   ing the impact of recent events too. However,
                         to impose restrictions on the importation of   middle distillates (diesel and jet fuel) have been
       WHY:              Russian oil, in an attempt to deprive the Kremlin   affected even more significantly than crude oil.
       Middle distillate prices   of one of its most important sources of hard cur-  For example, data from show that
       seem to be under even   rency. It has also led a number of private-sector   US heating oil futures climbed by about 55.3%
       more pressure than
       crude prices, and this   organisations to spurn transactions involving   between the beginning of the year and May 18,
       pressure is evident in   Russian crude, partly to avoid sanctions pen-  while WTI crude future went up by around
       multiple regions.  alties in some jurisdictions and partly to avoid   45.1% over the same period.
                         being seen as willing to do business in a country   And these numbers from the US market are
       WHAT NEXT:        with such an unsavoury reputation.   not outliers. All around the world, middle dis-
       The EU’s planned embar-  These moves, in turn, have cut the volume of   tillate markets are in turmoil, with significant
       go on Russian oil imports   Russian oil available on world markets. More-  consequences for the regional economic and
       has the potential to lead   over, they have disrupted trade flows, forcing   political scenes. This article offers a brief look at
       to further disruptions in   Russian producers and traders to divert large   some of these consequences.
       trade flows.      volumes of crude away from their usual destina-
                         tions in Europe to Asia or to take extraordinary   Europe
                         measures to conceal the origin of their cargoes.  Prices for diesel and jet fuel have skyrocketed in
                           These cuts and disruptions have not brought   Europe this year, owing to a seemingly perfect
                         Russian crude oil and gas condensate exports –   storm of factors. Jet fuel was end-priced at 120%
                         which averaged 4.7mn barrels per day (bpd) in   higher in the week ending May 13 than a year
                         2021, according to the US Energy Information   earlier, while diesel was trading at more than
                         Administration – down to zero, but they have   double the price.
                         reduced them. The extent of the disruption   Western sanctions against Russia have led
                         probably amounts to no more than a few per-  to supply disruptions, as exporters have had
                         cent of global liquids consumption, which the   difficulty completing transactions. Meanwhile,
                         EIA has estimated at 97.4mn bpd in April 2022.   some buyers have been shunning Russian petro-
                         However, the supply/demand balance on world   leum products to avoid reputational damage.

                          Prices for oil have remained relatively stable compared to other energy sources (Saudi Arabia Ministry of Energy)

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 20   19•May•2022
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