Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 41 2021
P. 13
4Subsea secures service
agreement to monitor
steel catenary risers on
Bacalhau field in Brazil
4Subsea has been awarded a service agreement
to monitor steel catenary risers on the FPSOs on
the Bacalhau field in Brazil.
The service is delivered using 4insight® Sub-
sea Asset Integrity which combines advanced
strain and motion sensors to measure vessel
motions and riser load with algorithms to calcu-
late riser pressure and hoop stress, accumulated Petrobras for the pipelay support vessel Coral increased automation, a low-cost base and the
riser fatigue damage and damage rate to monitor do Atlântico. upward trend in the oil price underpinning
the integrity and risks to steel catenary risers on The Brazilian-registered vessel has been higher levels of cash generation. As a result,
the FPSO. secured on a three-year contract, with an the Company remains well placed to accelerate
The digital service is delivered as monitoring option to extend. Operations offshore Brazil are investment. The focus remains on monetising
dashboards and data fed into Equinor’s data plat- expected to begin in the second quarter of 2022. and broadening the production portfolio whilst
form for further analysis. Coral do Atlântico is an important compo- utilising partnerships to target new acreage.
The riser monitoring service provided at nent of the Company’s leading flexible pipe eco- Additionally, the Company continues to explore
Bacalhau is an application of 4insight® Subsea system in Brazil and will mainly be deployed in ways to increase its focus on sustainability and
Asset Integrity, a digital service that continu- ultra-deepwater of up to 3,000 metres. transition fuels.
ously monitors the physical integrity of different Jonathan Landes, President, Subsea at Tech- Production volumes averaged 3,018 bpd
subsea and offshore infrastructures using ret- nipFMC, commented: “Coral do Atlântico is (Q2-2021: 3,047), yielding a YTD 2021 average
rofittable autonomous sensors and algorithms the third of our pipelay support vessels to be of 2,995 bpd. The Group’s unaudited cash bal-
and machine learning methods optimised for contracted via a long-term charter by Petrobras ances increased over the period to $20.4mn as
different assets and measurements. The results this year, indicating rising demand in the Bra- at September 30, 2021 ($19.0mn unaudited as at
are presented as easy-to-interpret insights and zilian market for flexibles. Coral do Atlântico’s June 30, 2021) as a result of strong operating cash
dashboards, simplifying the complex analysis versatility and ability to work in deep or shallow generation over the quarter.
and effectively support critical decisions. The water is a large part of the vessel’s appeal. This The focus during the period was on progress-
data is also available through open APIs, which latest contract further strengthens our collabo- ing various production-led opportunities, with
the Operator’s own data platforms can access for rative, trusting relationship with Petrobras that the new 25-year Galeota licence and move to
further analysis. spans decades.” 100% Working Interest (together delivering a
“We are pleased to be chosen to monitor the Coral do Atlântico has a history of long-term significant improvement in commercial terms)
integrity of the risers at Bacalhau. These ser- charters with Petrobras and has consistently marking the next phase of development for the
vices have proven to reduce operational risk and been awarded the client’s highest rating for oper- Block.
costs during complex operations and are great ational performance, quality of work, and health, Outlook: Onshore, the Company expects to
demonstrations of the digital transformation of safety and environment. finalise a drilling programme during Q4-2021 to
offshore operations to increase safety,” said the TechnipFMC, October 11 2021 commence early in 2022. The drilling inventory
CEO of 4Subsea, Peter Jenkins. continues to build, supported by the 3D seismic
The same sensors, technology, and algo- evaluations, with 16 drill ready candidates being
rithms have been adapted to monitor fatigue and PERFORMANCE developed including conventional, high angle
integrity on offshore wind installations to mon- and horizontal infill targets.
itor the integrity of the construction and cables, Trinity Exploration The Company also expects the PS4 acquisi-
demonstrating the versatility and robustness of tion, which is adjacent to its core onshore pro-
4Subsea’s sensor technology and digital services. announces Q3-2021 ducing fields (WD2 and WD5/6), to complete,
4Subsea, October 12 2021 expanding the opportunity to complete further
recompletions (RCPs) and infill wells to increase
TechnipFMC awarded operational update production.
Offshore, the Company’s focus during
Trinity Exploration & Production, the inde-
substantial long-term pendent E&P company focused on Trinidad and Q4-2021 will be on working with its advisor
Tobago, has provided an update on its operations to commence the formal marketing process as
contract by Petrobras for the three-month period ended September 30, part of farming down the Galeota Asset Devel-
opment opportunity which includes the current
TechnipFMC has been awarded a substantial Q3-2021 Summary: The Company main- Trintes Field production, the Echo Field Devel-
long-term charter and services contract by tained production during the period, with opment and the Foxtrot and Golf appraisal areas.
Week 41 14•October•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P13