Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 41 2021
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       The process is expected to take approximately  realisations of $62.6 per barrel for Q3-2021 (Q2-  to balance of $175mn as of June 30, 2021, and
       six to nine months and we will keep the market  2021: $59.4 per barrel) yielding a YTD 2021  $190mn as of December 31, 2020. As of October
       updated on progress as appropriate.  average of $58.1 per barrel (YTD Q3-2020: $37.3  8, 2021, the Company paid down its credit facil-
         With a significant asset base of reserves and  per barrel). Cash balance increased to $20.4mn  ity balance by an additional $10mn to $140mn.
       resources exceeding 50 mmbbls, Trinity’s port-  (unaudited) as at September 30, 2021 (June 30,   Financial Covenants: As of October 1, 2021,
       folio offers full cycle exposure, consisting of:  2021: $19.0mn, unaudited) as a result of strong  Gran Tierra has exited the financial covenant
       current producing assets (both onshore and off-  operating cash generation during the period and  relief period, which provided relief from compli-
       shore); existing brownfield development poten-  despite a further increase in the VAT receivable  ance with the ratio of Total Debt3 to EBITDAX3
       tial (i.e. an extensive onshore RCP and drilling  due.                   from June 1, 2020, to October 1, 2021, pursuant
       inventory); greenfield developments (e.g. Echo,   Strong production levels combined with  to an amendment to the Company’s credit facil-
       Foxtrot and Golf); exploration potential both  strict cost controls helped maintain an operating  ity between the Company and the syndicate of
       onshore (e.g., North West District or NWD  break-even of $28.2 per barrel (unaudited) year-  lenders party thereto which had gone into effect
       deeper Cretaceous to the shallower Pliocene  to-date, despite additional COVID-related costs.  on June 1, 2020.
       with 3D seismic lens) and offshore (i.e., deeper  The Company remains on track to meet its target   Gran Tierra expects to be in full compliance
       under-explored, near shore heavier oil).  for average operating break-even (inclusive of  with all financial covenants under its credit facil-
         CEO Jeremy Bridglalsingh commented: “We  hedging) of below $30.0 per barrel for FY 2021.  ity on December 31, 2021.
       continued to develop our business during the   Trinity Exploration & Production, October 14   Gary Guidry, President and CEO of Gran
       period, maintaining existing assets, laying the   2021                   Tierra, commented: “After the challenges with
       foundations for longer-term production growth                            blockades during the second quarter of 2021,
       from our existing portfolio while also pursuing   Gran Tierra Energy provides   we are very proud of how our teams safely and
       new growth opportunities. The Government’s                               diligently ramped operations back up through-
       focus on stimulating the sector could provide   operational and financial   out our Colombia portfolio. During the third
       significant opportunities for Trinity and we look                        quarter of 2021, with production back up to an
       forward participating in the new bid rounds to   update                  average level of approximately 29,000 bpd and an
       be launched.                                                             average Brent oil price of $73.23 per barrel, Gran
         “It goes without saying that this was an   Gran Tierra Energy, an independent interna-  Tierra was able to further strengthen its balance
       extremely difficult period for the Company, with  tional energy company currently focused on oil  sheet. The fourth quarter of 2021 is off to an even
       the passing of Bruce Dingwall affecting everyone  and natural gas exploration and production in  stronger start with the Company’s average cur-
       in the business, and the operational challenges  Colombia and Ecuador, has announced an oper-  rent production at approximately 30,600 bpd
       posed by COVID-19 continuing. The strong  ations and financial update.   and Brent2 averaging $81.74 per barrel, which
       performance reported today is a testament to   Production: As announced on May 17,  has allowed us to pay down Gran Tierra’s credit
       Bruce’s legacy, and means that we are able to look  2021, a number of blockades across Colombia  facility balance to $140mn as of October 8, 2021,
       forward with confidence as we seek to develop  impacted several key transportation routes,  down $50mn from a balance of $190mn as of
       the numerous opportunities available to us,  resulting in the temporary shut-in of some of  December 31, 2020. With production restored,
       building on our growing reputation in the region  Gran Tierra’s wells and oil fields during the sec-  a successful 2021 drilling programme, strong
       which has been further enhanced by Derek Hud-  ond quarter of 2021.      world oil prices and a strengthened balance
       son’s recent appointment to the Board.”  The blockades were not directed at Gran  sheet, we are very excited about the fourth quar-
         Q3-2021 Operational Highlights: Broadly  Tierra, but caused the Company to temporarily  ter of 2021 and all of 2022.”
       flat quarter-on-quarter production with Group  curtail production during May and June 2021.   Operational Update, Acordionero oilfield
       average production volumes of 3,018 bpd for the  As a result, approximately 597,000 barrels of oil  (100% WI): When necessary, a workover rig
       period (Q2-2021: 3,047 bpd) without any new  production were deferred during the second  was deployed during the third quarter of 2021 to
       wells being drilled and despite constrained oper-  quarter of 2021. Gran Tierra does not expect any  restore existing wells to production if they went
       ational conditions owing to COVID restrictions.  negative impact on the Company’s oil reserves  off line.
         YTD 2021 (Q1 to Q3) average production  due to this deferral.
       volumes of 2,995 bpd represent a year-on-year   As announced on July 12, 2021, the Colom-
       decrease of 7% (YTD 2020: 3,232 bpd).  bian government successfully negotiated the end
         Two RCPs (Q2-2021: two) and 18 worko-  of blockades affecting Gran Tierra’s operations,
       vers (Q2-2021: 21) were completed during the  which allowed the Company to restore its oil
       period, with swabbing continuing across all  production throughout its entire Colombian
       onshore assets and extended to the west coast  portfolio. During the third quarter of 2021, Gran
       assets. A 25-year Galeota Licence, increase to  Tierra achieved an average production rate of
       100% Working Interest and significant improve-  approximately 29,000 bpd, the Company’s high-
       ment in commercial terms.           est average rate since the first quarter of 2020.
         Production volumes for the remainder of  The Company’s current average production is
       2021 will be dependent on several factors includ-  even higher at approximately 30,600 bpd.
       ing general market conditions and the impact of   Gran’s Tierra’s average production during the
       COVID restrictions. However, even without a  third quarter of 2021 was up 26% from the sec-
       resumption of drilling in the near term, net aver-  ond quarter of 2021 and up 53% from the third
       age production for 2021 is still expected to be in  quarter of 2020.
       the range of 2,900 - 3,100 bpd (2020: 3,226 bpd),   Credit Facility Balance: As of September 30,
       in line with our previous guidance.  2021, the Company had paid down its credit
         Q3-2021 Financial Highlights: Average  facility balance by $25mn to $150mn, compared

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 41   14•October•2021
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