Page 17 - EurOil Week 03 2023
P. 17

EurOil                                PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                            EurOil

       Lukoil delays entering production stage at

       its perimeter in Romania’s offshore

        RUSSIA           THE Russian company Lukoil, the holder of the  hydrocarbon perimeters on behalf of the Roma-
                         concession contract for the Trident gas perim-  nian state, has reportedly already approved the
       Trident contains an   eter in the Romanian part of the Black Sea, has  extension of the exploration stage.
       estimated 30 bcm of   extended the exploration stage of the offshore   “The last drilling campaign did not validate
       gas.              deposits for four years, until 2026.  the geological model resulting from the inter-
                           Trident has estimated reserves of 30bn cubic  pretation of the existing geological and geo-
                         metres (bcm). Romanian state-owned company  physical data, nor did the seismic inversion,
                         Romgaz is a partner in the project, with 12.2%.  performed additionally, allow the geological
                           The perimeter is placed between that of Black  model to be calibrated with an adequate degree
                         Sea Oil and Gas (BSOG), where production  of confidence and did not change the initial esti-
                         has already begun, and that of OMV Petrom/  mates of 30 billion cubic meters,” ANRM told
                         Romgaz, which is technically ready to approach  Economedia.
                         production but the decision has been delayed on   Following the completion of the explora-
                         administrative grounds.              tion works, the holder of the concession con-
                           The results of the drilling so far, at Lukoil’s  tract requested and was approved an evaluation
                         Trident, are not likely to convince the company  programme with a mandatory and an optional
                         to declare the commerciality of the perimeter,  phase through which the drilling works of a new
                         according to          well and the elaboration of the development
                           The National Agency for Mineral Resources  study of the commercial deposit with a deadline
                         (ANRM), which handles the concession of the  of completion in 2026. ™

       Week 03   20•January•2023                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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