Page 12 - EurOil Week 03 2023
P. 12

EurOil                                 PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           EurOil

       Enagas buys 20% interest in BBL gas pipe

       linking Netherlands and UK

        SPAIN            SPAIN’S Enagas has reached a deal to acquire  provisional plan for a Europe-wide hydrogen
                         a 20% stake in Dutch BBL, the operator of a  network. It could be used to transport blue and
       Uniper is selling to   241-km gas pipeline linking the UK and the  green hydrogen between the UK and mainland
       comply with EU state   Netherlands.                    Europe. The pipelines of Noordgastransport
       aid rules.          The seller is Germany’s Uniper, with the deal’s  (NGT) and NOGAT in the Netherlands have
                         price tag set at €75mn ($81.5mn). The other  already been certified for transporting green
                         shareholders in the pipeline are Gasunie with  hydrogen.
                         60% and Fluxys with 20%.               The deal will require regulatory approval and
                           The Balgzand-Bacton Line (BBL) undersea  is also subject to the pre-emptive rights of exist-
                         gas pipeline has a maximum capacity of 15bn  ing co-owners of the BBL pipeline.
                         cubic metres per year of flow from Balgzand in   As for Uniper, the company said the divest-
                         the Netherlands to Bacton in the UK. It can also  ment of the non-strategic asset was part of the
                         pump 5 bcm per year in the opposition direction.  remedies that it must fulfil under EU state aid
                           Enagas is Spain’s transmission system oper-  law. Uniper has been hit hard by the European
                         ator (TSO), operating the country’s gas grid  energy crisis, particularly because it lost its Rus-
                         and also four LNG regasification terminals in  sian gas supply when Gazprom began restricting
                         Huelva, Barcelona, Cartagena and Gijon. The  deliveries to its customers last year. It had to be
                         company said the deal at BBL would bolster its  bailed out by Germany’s government last year
                         position in Europe.                  in the largest corporate rescue in the country’s
                           The BBL pipeline has been included in the  history. ™

       Operator repairs exploded gas pipeline

       in northern Lithuania

        LITHUANIA        AN exploded gas pipeline in Lithuania’s north-  “Works are regularly done to ensure the safety
                         ern district of Pasvalys was repaired on the night  of the pipeline. We have also done this type of
       The reason for the   of January 15 and will be back in operation after  works on this pipeline. But they were of a nature
       explosion is unclear.  additional safety checks. The reason of the explo-  that did not have a direct impact on the pipeline
                         sion is unclear as of now and an investigation is  itself, they were related to the re-wrapping of the
                         ongoing, Nemunas Biknius, CEO of Amber  pipeline’s insulation. They were done last week,”
                         Grid, the operator of Lithuania’s gas pipelines,  he told BNS.
                         said,, the website of public broadcaster   “The pipeline should not have been damaged
                         LRT, reported on January 16.         during the works,” he added.
                           “If we find that any additional work needs to   On January 15, police opened a pre-trial
                         be done, we will carry it out. But we plan to put  investigation to find out whether the mainte-
                         the pipeline into operation tomorrow [January  nance and repair work on the gas pipeline was
                         16], around noon,” Biknius told BNS, a Baltic  carried out properly.
                         newswire.                              “An investigation will be carried out to see if
                           The explosion of a gas pipeline was reported  there was no additional external impact. For our
                         at around 5pm on January 13 in the village of  part, we consider it to be a technical seam defect,”
                         Pasvalio Vienkiemiai, in the District of Pasvalys.  Biknius said, adding that such an investigation is
                           The fire was localised after the valves were  normal practice in such cases.
                         closed. According to Amber Grid, gas supply to   Amber Grid has already scheduled internal
                         consumers was largely unaffected.    diagnostics, will review the protocols, and will
                           Insulation works had recently been car-  carry out checks on this and other pipelines,
                         ried out at the site of the exploded gas pipeline,  according to the CEO of Amber Grid,
                         Biknius said.                        said. ™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 03   20•January•2023
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