Page 10 - FSUOGM Week 24
P. 10

FSUOGM                                              NRG                                             FSUOGM

                         Indeed, importers may stand to benefit from a  Latin America’s unconventional concerns
                         growing variety of options for sourcing their  Two Latin American states are taking a close
                         LNG supply, as well as low prices for the fuel.  look at unconventional oil and gas developments
                         Under these circumstances, countries that are  this week.
                         ramping up their LNG imports may find it easier   Colombia appears to be gearing up to award
                         to attract foreign investors.        contracts for pilot projects that will involve
                           Last week, it was reported that ExxonMo-  hydraulic fracturing (fracking). Armando Zam-
                         bil was considering investing in new LNG-to-  ora, the head of the national hydrocarbons reg-
                         power projects in Vietnam. A statement from  ulator ANH, said last week that the government
                         the Vietnamese government suggested that  had invited companies to submit proposals and
                         there was potential to invest in a 4,000-MW  hoped to sign deals by September or October.
                         LNG-to-power plant in the northern port city of  Fracking could help the country replenish its
                         Haiphong, or a 3,000-MW plant in the Mekong  reserves and increase production.
                         Delta province of Long An.             In Argentina, Shell and its local partner, state-
                           The government added that the plants could  owned YPF, suspended operations last week at
                         use LNG imported from the US or elsewhere. It  the Bajada de Añelo block in Vaca Muerta, one of
                         suggested that a plant in Haiphong could start  the world’s largest shale formations. They did so
                         generating power at some point between 2025  in response to seismic activity in Neuquén Prov-
                         and 2030.                            ince, near the Andes. No other fields have been
                           The LNG industry is hoping that the market  affected, but other licence areas in Vaca Muerta
                         will have rebalanced by this point, with excess  have seen production fall this year as a result of
                         supply being absorbed and demand rising again.  shrinking demand stemming from the corona-
                         Currently, the global oversupply of LNG contin-  virus pandemic.
                         ues to weigh on the market and depress prices.   Meanwhile, Bahamas Petroleum Co. (BPC)
                         The US Energy Information Administration  continues to expand its regional footprint
                         (EIA) has predicted that exports of US LNG will  through acquisitions. The company has taken
                         have dropped by 60% in July from their peak in  control of Columbus Energy, an independent
                         January.                             operator that is working to develop onshore
                           Meanwhile, Total’s president of gas, renew-  fields in Trinidad and Suriname. These assets,
                         ables and power, Philippe Sauquet, has warned  together with ongoing projects in The Baha-
                         that the cancellation of a growing number of car-  mas and Uruguay, will turn BPC into an oil
                         goes scheduled for loading this summer should  and gas “champion” focusing on the Caribbean
                         serve as a warning that new LNG projects will  and Atlantic margin, the company said in a
                         not automatically be profitable.     statement.
                           Not that all LNG exporters in the US have   Elsewhere in the region, Guyana has reported
                         been deterred. On June 15, US regulators  that its second cargo of oil exports fetched
                         approved Venture Global LNG’s request to pro-  around $35mn, or $20mn less than its first cargo,
                         ceed with limited site preparation for its pro-  which went to market in February. These reve-
                         posed Plaquemines LNG terminal in Louisiana.  nues brought the sovereign wealth fund’s balance
                         The company said it was planning to start early  up to nearly $95mn, according to government
                         construction work on Plaquemines in mid-2020  officials in Georgetown.
                         before achieving financial close on the project
                         late this year. Construction is also currently   If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         under way on Venture Global’s Calcasieu Pass   the Latin American oil and gas sector then please click
                         LNG project, also in Louisiana.      here for NewsBase’s LatAmOil Monitor .

                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   Middle Eastern malaise
                         the global LNG sector then please click here for   Last week, focus was on the much anticipated
                         NewsBase’s GLNG Monitor .            OPEC+ meeting to consider and agree oil

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 24   17•June•2020
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