Page 15 - FSUOGM Week 24
P. 15

FSUOGM                                           POLICY                                            FSUOGM

       Kazakhstan misses OPEC+ mark

        KAZAKHSTAN       KAZAKHSTAN exceeded its May oil output  – a separate figure for that has not been
                         quota under the OPEC+ oil output cut agree-  published.
       Kazakhstan’s      ment by 100,900 barrels per day and will offset   The Kazakh government signed a decree on
       government has    this by maintaining lower output in August and  May 11 to cut oil output starting from May in
       imposed cuts at the   September, Energy Minister Nurlan Nogayev  line with a deal agreed in April by OPEC and
       country’s largest fields.  said on June 9.             non-OPEC oil producing nations. Kazakh-
                           The overproduction occurred in the first 12  stan’s energy ministry said on May 1 that the
                         days of May and the Central Asian nation has  ex-Soviet state was reducing production at
                         since kept its output in line with the quota, Noga-  certain giant, large and medium sized oil fields
                         yev noted.                           to meet the country’s commitments under the
                           Reports last week by Reuters indicated  OPEC+ deal on global output cuts. None of the
                         that Kazakhstan had reduced its oil and gas  fields concerned were specified, but the Tengiz
                         condensate output by 10% m/m to 1.689mn  and Kashagan fields are the country’s biggest
                         bpd in May but failed to fully meet its obliga-  producers.
                         tions under the OPEC+ pact. The ex-Soviet   Cuts in daily output at the largest Kazakh
                         state was meant to reduce its oil output by  oilfields reportedly started in May, including
                         22% from its first-quarter average. The deal  the Karachaganak, Kashagan and Tengiz oil
                         does not cover gas condensate production  projects.™

                                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES

       Gazprom kicks off drilling

       at next Yamal project

        RUSSIA           RUSSIA’S Gazprom has kicked off production  Russia’s main gas grid for supply to Europe.
                         drilling at a new field on the Yamal Peninsula –   Further development phases at Kharas-
       Kharasaveyskoye   an area tipped to become the country’s biggest  aveyskoye will focus on deeper reservoirs located
       will be the second   hub for gas extraction.           within Neocomian and Jurassic rock. Gazprom
       Gazprom-operated    In a statement on June 12, the state-owned  also wants to exploit these layers at Bovanenk-
       field to come on   gas exporter said it had started drilling the first  ovskoye, raising that field’s production plateau to
       stream on Yamal after   production well at the Kharasaveyskoye field.  140 bcm per year.
       Bovanenkovskoye.  The well, which will reach a depth of 2,540   Gazprom’s so-called Yamal Megaproject calls
                         metres, is the first of 16 planned at the deposit  for the development of some 32 fields on the
                         this year.                           peninsula comprising 26.5 tcm of gas. Produc-
                           Gazprom formally broke ground on Kharas-  tion from these sites could reach as high as 360
                         aveyskoye in March last year. The field strad-  bcm per year. Combined with output at Novatek
                         dles the shore of the Kara Sea and contains an  fields in the area, this would result in Yamal
                         estimated 2 trillion cubic metres in C1+C2 gas  displacing the Nadym-Pur-Taz region further
                         resources, making it the second-largest gas  south as Russia’s main centre for gas production.
                         deposit on Yamal after Bovanenkovskoye.  Gazprom’s third project on Yamal is likely to
                           Bovanenkovskoye is currently the only Gaz-  be Kamennomysskoye-more, located in shallow
                         prom project in production on Yamal, and is on  waters just off the peninsula’s coast. The field is
                         its way to reaching its third-phase capacity of  slated to commence production in 2025, with
                         115bn cubic metres per year.         Gazprom just having ordered a platform for its
                           Kharasaveyskoye is due on stream in 2023  development.
                         and will add a further 32 bcm per year of sup-  Kharasaveyskoye was first discovered in the
                         ply. Its development is expected to involve the  late 1970s, but for decades was considered too
                         drilling of over 230 wells, as well as the con-  remote to exploit. Its launch should facilitate
                         struction of a gas treatment plant, a booster  developing nearby offshore deposits such as Len-
                         compressor station and various power and  ingradskoye and Rusanovskoye. But Gazprom
                         transport infrastructure. Its gas will be  has cautioned that these projects are unlikely to
                         shipped via a 106-km pipeline to Bovanen-  start up before 2030, given the cost and complex-
                         kovskoye, from where it can be pumped into  ity of offshore Arctic drilling. ™

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