Page 17 - FSUOGM Week 24
P. 17

FSUOGM                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

                                           Tatneft begins planned               supply during May by 9.4mn bpd versus
       RUSSIA                                                                   9.7mn bpd supply cut. The group reduced
       Gazprom starts installing           maintenance work at                  April, to deliver a compliance rate of 89%.
                                                                                Saudi Arabia and Russia achieved a rate at
       water treatment systems at  Nizhnekamsk refinery                         or near 100%, while other Gulf producers
                                                                                came in above 90%,” the IEA said. Russia’s
       Omsk refinery                       Russia’s Tatneft is undertaking a three-week   compliance with the deal stood at 97%.
                                           turnaround at the more than 10mn tonne
                                                                                  Oil production in the U.S. decreased by
       The Gazprom Neft Omsk Refinery has begun   per year (200,000 bpd) refinery of subsidiary   a record 1.3mn bpd in May. It may fall by
       installing flotation treatment systems at the site   Taneco’s multiphase integrated refining and   0.9mn bpd in 2020 and by 0.3mn barrels
       of its future “Biosphere” biological treatment   petrochemical complex in Nizhnekamsk, 250   more in 2021 if higher oil prices don’t
       facilities, currently under construction.   km from Tatarstan’s capital city of Kazan.  stimulate investment in the shale oil sector,
       The biosphere will increase the efficiency   The scheduled maintenance overhaul—  the agency said.
       of water treatments to 99.99%, thanks to   which began on June 10 and will run to July   Global oil supply shrank by 11.8mn bpd
       which the Omsk Refinery will be able to   2—will include works to ensure the safe,   in May due to a record output cut by OPEC
       move over to virtually closed-cycle water   reliable operation of process equipment   and due to suspension of economies in the
       consumption, reducing demands on local   at the refinery’s 2.4mn-tpy sulfur dioxide   U.S., Canada, and other states. The global
       city wastewater treatment plants. The unique   (SO2) visbreaking unit and 2mn-tpy SO2-  oil output should shrink to 86.4mn bpd in
       environmental Biosphere project forms part   oil vacuum distillation unit, Tatneft said on   June, the lowest point since the beginning of
       of the Omsk Refinery’s full-scale development   June 11.                 2010, the IEA said.
       programme, itself part of the holistic federal   Scheduled major repairs during the   Commercial reserves of oil and oil
       “Clean Air” project, part of the national   turnaround include the following: replacing   products in countries of the Organisation
       “Ecology” programme. The company’s total   vacuum column nozzles, cleaning process   for Economic Cooperation and
       investments in the project stand at RUB19   deposits from unit equipment, ultrasonic   Development (OECD) rose by 148.7mn
       billion. Construction works are expected to be   thickness-gauging of furnace coils,   barrels to 3.137bn barrels in April,
       completed in 2021.                  technical inspection of tanks, vessels, and   exceeding their 5-year average figures by
         The flotation system forms part of   pipelines, hydraulic testing, modifying   208.3mn barrels, the agency said in the
       the multi-stage water treatment process   instrumentation and automation controls.  report.
       to be offered by the Biosphere, with all   Particular attention will be paid during   The global oil production should
       industrial effluents and storm drainage   maintenance work to ensure compliance   contract by 7.2mn bpd in 2020 and rise
       from the plant passing through mechanical,   with sanitary and epidemiological standards   by 1.7mn bpd in 2021 if the OPEC+
       flotation and biological treatment facilities,   for preventing proliferation of coronavirus   restrictions soften and if countries outside
       as well as membrane and charcoal filters,   (COVID-19), Tatneft said.    the alliance like Norway, Brazil, and Guyana
       in turn. In the main part of the complex   Per Taneco’s turnaround procedures,   actively raise their production, the agency
       — the bioreactor — water is mixed with a   overhaul activities will be carried out   said.
       special sludge, containing microorganisms   in a manner that enables minimising   At the same time, the agency upgraded
       that absorb oil-product residues. The   equipment downtime while allowing all   its forecast for the fall in oil output of
       cleaned waster is then also disinfected   work to be fully completed on installations   countries outside OPEC in 2020, and it
       with ultraviolet light and returned to the   and interconnections. As such, operation   now expects it to shrink by 3.1mn bpd, up
       production cycle, while the recovered   of other process units not involved in   from 3.3mn bpd expected before. In 2021,
       petroleum products are sent for recycling.   the turnaround will continue to operate   production outside OPEC may rise only
       Thanks to the technology in the Biosphere,   normally to ensure yields of petroleum   by 0.8mn bpd if there is no investment
       reusing this purified water will allow the   products in accordance with the refinery’s   in short-term projects or if the OPEC+
       Omsk Refinery to make a 2.5-fold reduction   approved production plan, according to the   alliance does not ease its restrictions.
       in its water consumption.           company.                               The agency also downgraded its estimate
         Cutting-edge pressure-flotation                                        for contraction of demand for oil in 2020 to
       technology will be deployed at the                                       8.1mn bpd taking into account the 17.8mn
       Biosphere complex — with oil-product                                     bpd contraction in April–June and an
       residues being removed from the water by   IEA: compliance with OPEC+    11.4mn bpd contraction in July–December.
       aerodynamic flows, in special hermetically                               Demand in October–December would be
       sealed containers. Three of the nine flotation   with cuts deal at 89% in   lower by 3.8mn bpd y/y.
       units envisaged under this project have                                    In 2021, demand for oil should jump
       already been installed at the construction   May                         by 5.7mn bpd, showing a record annual
       site. Company specialists have, prior to this,                           growth in the history as economies
       also completed installation of equipment   Compliance of the OPEC+ alliance with   would be returning to their normal lives.
       for the tank unit responsible for initial   the oil output reduction deal under the new   Nevertheless, oil consumption should be
       mixing of the full volume of industrial water  configuration reached 89% as the oil output   lower by 2.4mn bpd than consumption in
       prior to it being sent for subsequent water   fell by 9.4mn barrels per day (bpd) in May   2019 due to low demand for jet fuel and
       treatments. Installation of the disinfection   with Saudi Arabia cutting production by 100%   kerosene.
       and biological treatment units remains   of the agreed level and Russia by 97%, the   The expected increase of oil supply
       ongoing. Omsk-based contractors are   International Energy Agency (IEA) said in its   of 1.7mn bpd in 2021 is not even close
       among those involved in these works.  June report on June 16.            to the forecasted increase in demand, so
                                              “For its part, OPEC+ got off to a strong   the market provides opportunities for
       GAZPROM NEFT (RUSSIA), June 10 2020  start during the first month of its historic   expansion of oil production faster than

       Week 24   17•June•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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