Page 12 - LatAmOil Week 12 2021
P. 12

LatAmOil                                          BRAZIL                                            LatAmOil

       Maha Energy notes potential

       productive zone in Tie-3 well

                         SWEDEN’S Maha Energy has said that electric   available data, as it completes the well, the state-
                         logging data from an exploration well drilled at   ment said.
                         the onshore Tie field in the Reconcavo Basin,   Maha spudded Tie-3 last December and
                         Brazil may reveal a new oil-bearing formation.  initially hoped to finish the well in early 2021.
                           In a statement dated March 21, Maha   However, drilling progressed more slowly than
                         reported that it had drilled Tie-3 to a measured   anticipated, partly because of poor conditions
                         depth (MD) of 2,336 metres. Electric logging   within the hole and partly because the compa-
                         indicates that the well contains 11 metres of   ny’s rig required extensive repairs.
                         net pay within the Agua Grande formation, 3.1   Despite these delays, the company is satisfied
                         metres of net pay within the lower section of the   with the outcome of the drilling programme,
                         Itaparica formation and 1.6 metres of net pay in   said Jonas Lindvall, Maha’s CEO. “Structurally,
                         the Sergi formation. It described Itaparica as “a   the Tie-3 well came in exactly how we planned
                         new potentially productive zone.”    it,” he said. “What appears to be a new oil pro-
                           The company went on to say that it had   ductive transitional zone at the base of the
                         already installed flowlines to handle future pro-  Itaparica and the top of the Sergi is very encour-
                         duction from Tie-3. It also stressed, though, that   aging and is something we have not seen in any
                         it was not yet in a position to say how the discov-  of the other Tie wells. The Tie-3 well will even-
                         ery of oil-bearing rock near the bottom of Ita-  tually be turned into a flank water injector, but
                         parica would affect its estimate of Tie’s reserves.   right now it will be completed and placed on
                         The company will now continue to evaluate all   production.” ™

       YPF to invest $1.5bn in Vaca Muerta in 2021

                         ARGENTINA’S national oil company (NOC)   spend $1.5bn on oil development and $600mn
                         YPF has rolled out plans to invest $1.5bn in Vaca   on gas development this year, he explained.
                         Muerta, one of the world’s largest shale basins.  Some of the money will cover the cost of
                           Pablo Gonzalez, the chairman of the com-  drilling programmes at three fields that YPF is
                         pany, said during a visit to Neuquen Province   developing in co-operation with foreign part-
                         last week that he hoped the funds would help   ners, he indicated.
                         YPF push unconventional oil and gas output   Some 90 wells are due to be drilled this year
                         upwards from 2020 levels. The investment is   at Amarga Chica (operated by Malaysia’s Pet-
                         expected to “translate into a significant increase   ronas), Bandurria Sur (operated by Norway’s
                         in oil and gas production,” he was quoted as say-  Equinor and the Anglo-Dutch super-major
                         ing in a company statement.          Royal Dutch Shell) and Loma Campana (oper-
                           The chairman did not provide a full break-  ated by Chevron of the US), he said. The new
                         down of YPF’s investment plans. According to   wells will help bring yields at these three fields
                         the statement, though, the NOC aims to increase   up to 53,000 bpd by the end of 2021, up by nearly
                         shale oil production by 56% and for shale gas   61% on the year-ago figure of 33,000 bpd, he
                         production to rise by 70% year on year in 2021.  added.
                           Gonzalez’s remarks are in line with state-  YPF spent just $1.55bn on capex projects last
                         ments made earlier this month by Sergio   year, so it hopes that putting more money into
                         Affronti, the CEO of YPF. Affronti told inves-  Vaca Muerta projects will help it reverse last
                         tors during a conference call earlier this month   year’s decline in yields. The company extracted
                         that the company was looking to raise its total   around 208,000 bpd of oil and 35mn cubic
                         investment budget for capital expenditures to   metres per day of gas in 2020, down by 9.2% on
                         $2.7bn in 2021.                      the figure posted the year before. Its output looks
                           The NOC sees raising output as its pri-  set to remain steady at these levels in the first half
                         mary goal, so it will devote 80% of this sum to   of 2021, but it is anticipated to start rising after
                         upstream projects, he added. YPF intends to   mid-year. ™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 12   25•March•2021
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