Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 12 2021
P. 13

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil


       Bahamas Petroleum Co.

       provides high-impact
       exploration update

       Bahamas Petroleum Co. (BPC), the Caribbean-
       and Atlantic margin-focused oil and gas com-
       pany with production, appraisal, development
       and onshore and offshore exploration assets
       across the region, has provided an update on its
       high-impact exploration assets in The Bahamas
       and Uruguay.
         Highlights: Since the completion of the drill-  generation, transmission, and distribution, as  Energy.
       ing of Perseverance #1, the Company has had  well as gas processing and compression aboard   Siemens Energy, March 22 2021
       discussions with industry counterparties in rela-  an FPSO that will operate offshore South Amer-
       tion to a potential farm-out of its licences in The  ica starting in 2024.
       Bahamas and is working to formalise an entirely   MISC Berhad is building the FPSO to expand  INVESTMENT
       new farm-out process. Consequently, the Com-  its fleet of 14 floating production systems. The
       pany intends to renew the four southern licences  FPSO is expected to have a processing capacity   Petrobras starts binding
       in The Bahamas into a third three-year “drill or  of 180,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil and 12mn
       drop” exploration period.           cubic metres per day of gas.         phase of Bahia Terra Cluster
         Final Perseverance #1 drilling cost expected   “The order demonstrates our strengths and
       to be approximately $45mn compared to pre-  capabilities to transform FPSO operations to   stake sales
       drill estimate of approximately $35mn; addi-  be more sustainable while fulfilling production
       tional costs of approximately $10mn incurred  requirements,” said Thorbjoern Fors, Executive  Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed
       as a result of heightened COVID-19 procedures  Vice President for Siemens Energy Industrial  on December 23, 2020, informs the beginning
       (approximately $3mn) and side-tracking oper-  Applications.              of the binding phase, referring to the sale of all
       ations related to mechanical debris in the well   The topside modules will be designed and  of its stakes in a set of 28 onshore production
       (approximately $7mn).               manufactured across Asia, with main engineer-  field concessions, located in the Recôncavo and
         Formal contract execution for Off-1 block in  ing and execution activities done through Sin-  Tucano Basins, in the state of Bahia, jointly called
       Uruguay expected Q2-2021; independent tech-  gapore. Packaging for all the rotating equipment  the Bahia Terra Cluster. Potential buyers qual-
       nical work undertaken by Uruguayan national  packages will occur at Siemens Energy’s Santa  ified for this phase will receive a process letter
       oil company ANCAP indicates a P50 estimated  Barbara d’Oeste facility in Brazil. The facility is  with detailed instructions on the divestment
       ultimate recovery volume (EUR) of 1.34bn bar-  also fully equipped to provide support and ser-  process, including guidelines for due diligence
       rels at the Lenteja prospect.       vice to the FPSO’s modules once it is deployed.  and the submission of binding proposals.
         Cash on hand of approximately $13mn (as at   Siemens Energy’s scope of supply includes   About the Bahia Terra Cluster: The Bahia
       1 March 2021, including unconditionally com-  the EPC work for all eight modules and several  Terra Cluster comprises 28 onshore production
       mitted convertible notes); anticipated additional  key components: two electric, low-pressure  concessions located in different municipalities
       capital requirement in 2021/2022 across the  centrifugal compressors; two electric, CO2  of the state of Bahia and includes access to pro-
       business of $25-$40mn, the Company expects  compressors; three main injection compressors  cessing, logistics, storage, transportation and
       to more than cover the difference from various  driven by Siemens Energy SGT-A35-GT62X gas  outflow infrastructure for oil and natural gas.
       potential funding sources.          turbines; four Siemens Energy SGT-A35-GT30   Additionally, the cluster has collection and
       Bahamas Petroleum Co., March 24 2021  gas turbines for power generation; an E-house;  treatment stations, oil storage and transpor-
                                           plus all electricals including an electrical control  tation parks, gas and oil pipelines, besides the
                                           and management system (ECMS).        NGPU Catu and other infrastructures associ-
       SERVICES                               The ECMS is being designed to provide  ated with the production process.
                                           monitoring and supervision for the power gen-  The average production of the Cluster in Jan-
       Siemens Energy to supply            eration and distribution network for load man-  uary-February 2021 was about 13,500 barrels
                                           agement of the FPSO facility, including topside  per day (bpd) of oil and 660,000 cubic metres
       topside modules, support            and marine. MISC and the FPSO operator can  per day of gas.
                                           use the ECMS to monitor FPSO power, generate
                                                                                  Petrobras is the operator of these fields with
       for FPSO vessel offshore            reports, and plan for future sustainability.  100% participation. Petrobras also informs that
                                              “Our mission is to help our partners in their  the concessions related to the Recôncavo and
       South America                       energy transition by providing the equipment,  Miranga Fields were not included in the ces-
                                           infrastructure, and support to create thoughtful  sion process of the Bahia Terra Cluster, since the
       Siemens Energy has been awarded a topside  and sustainable change without compromising  respective sale contracts were signed on Decem-
       EPC contract by MISC Bhd for eight complete  their ability to meet the world’s growing energy  ber 17, 2020, and February 24, 2021, as disclosed
       topside modules that will provide sustainable,  needs,” said Arja Talakar, Senior Vice President,  to the market on these dates.
       efficient, and environmentally friendly power  Industrial Applications Products for Siemens   Petrobras, March 19 2021

       Week 12   25•March•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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