Page 13 - LatAmOil Annual Review 2021
P. 13

LatAmOil                                           M AY                                            LatAmOil

                         Limetree Bay Ventures responded to the blaze   head of the agency, said in a Twitter post earlier
                         by carrying out an emergency burn of feedstocks   this week: “The repeated incidents at the [Lime-
                         in order to prevent further problems. In doing   tree Bay] refinery are unacceptable. EPA has a
                         so, it followed procedure. But it also caused toxic   team on St. Croix and is committed to taking all
                         droplets to fall upon residential and industrial   necessary action to ensure people’s health and
                         areas near the plant, and as usual, this triggered   safety is protected.”
                         worries about residents’ health, safety and access
                         to water. (It also led the company to suspend   Push and pull
                         operations.)                         It remains to be seen what form that action
                           Under these circumstances, the fact that that   might take, in the event that Limetree Bay Ven-
                         the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)   tures experiences more problems. Whatever the
                         withdrew a federal permit that had previously   case, though, the EPA is not the only party inter-
                         been granted to Limetree Bay Ventures in March   ested in the plant’s fate.
                         is hardly surprising. The plant’s environmental   Activist groups such as the St. Croix Envi-
                         record is less than stellar, and the administration   ronmental Association are probably hoping to
                         of President Joe Biden has indicated that it will   see the EPA order the closure of the oil refinery.
                         scrutinise the oil and gas industry more carefully   Jennifer Valiulis, the director of the association,   The EPA is not
                         than its predecessor, which was led by Donald   said earlier this week that US authorities ought
                         Trump.                               to step up efforts to bring the plant into compli-  the only party
                           Nevertheless, the scrutiny has not resulted   ance with the law.
                         in forced closure. Although its refinery is cur-  “Lately we are seeing incidents happening  interested in the
                         rently idle, Limetree Bay Ventures has kept try-  nearly daily with this refinery: Fires, flares,
                         ing to work towards resuming full commercial   spills, noxious emissions, oil raining down into   Limetree Bay
                         production. It has also tried to mend fences by   neighborhoods,” she said in an email message to   refinery’s fate
                         distributing water to affected homes.  the Washington Post. “Each one of these events
                           The company will have to do more, however.   has impacted our community and disastrous
                         The US Virgin Islands Department of Planning   ways – severe illness, loss of food, loss of drink-
                         and Natural Resources (DPNR) determined   ing water. At some point, we need to say that
                         earlier this month that the plant was emitting   enough is enough and demand accountability
                         excess sulphur dioxide as a result of the burning   from Limetree.”
                         of hydrogen sulphide.                  Yet local authorities are taking a different
                                                              approach. Albert Bryan Jr., the governor of the
                         More scrutiny                        US Virgin Islands, has tempered his expressions
                         This ruling, in turn, drew more unwelcome   of concerns with statements expressing his inter-
                         attention from the EPA, which recently   est in seeing the plant come back online. “Lieu-
                         informed Limetree Bay Ventures that the refin-  tenant Governor [Tregenza] Roach and I both
                         ery was in violation of the Clean Air Act.  have been in contact with the executive team at
                           The agency not only demanded that the   Limetree Bay and have expressed our concern
                         company begin checking emissions of sulphur   and frustration with the recent releases that have
                         dioxide and hydrogen sulphide but also sent   threatened the health and safety of the residents
                         monitoring equipment to the island. Limetree   downwind of the refinery and urged Limetree
                         Bay Ventures responded by saying it was ready   to step up its efforts to guarantee the safety of
                         to monitor emissions on a voluntary basis, but   its employees and the residents downwind from
                         as of May 12 it had not yet begun doing so.   the refinery,” he said. “It is my sincere hope that
                         (According to a Reuters reports, the EPA moni-  they can rectify whatever the issues are and
                         toring equipment is not yet operational.)  resume operations in a manner that protects the
                           EPA officials have hinted that they are will-  health and well-being of its employees and the
                         ing to take further action. As Michael Regan, the   residents of our community.” ™

                                                                             (Photo: Limetree Bay Ventures)

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