Page 9 - LatAmOil Annual Review 2021
P. 9

LatAmOil                                         MARCH                                             LatAmOil

                         He acknowledged most oil companies were not   the global energy industry is heading for major
                         branching out into the power generating sector   changes – and that Colombia ought to prepare
                         in order to promote diversification. But he also   for those changes by mounting wide-ranging
                         pointed out that taking control of ISA would   efforts that take some of the focus off oil and gas.
                         reduce Ecopetrol’s carbon emissions and help   However, Mesa’s statements indicate that
                         the NOC achieve environmental, social and   copper mining will play a central role in these
                         governance (ESG) goals. “The fact that no other   efforts. If so, Colombia may be trading one set
                         oil and gas company has done it doesn’t mean it’s   of environmental hazards for another. (After all,
                         a bad idea,” he asserted.            surface mining for metals does pose huge risks
                           Additionally, he said, acquiring the TSO   to nearby ecosystems.)
                         will give the company a chance to remain sta-
                         ble in the long term, even as oil and gas fall out   Passing the buck
                         of favour. “All the oil and gas companies are   It may also be passing the buck to other parties
                         going into renewables, and everyone is moving   in a manner similar to that suggested by Yonhy
                         into power generation. That doesn’t mean that   Lescano, the leader of Peru’s Popular Action
                         that’s the only route to energy transition,” he   (AP) Party and a candidate in that country’s
                         remarked.                            upcoming presidential election.
                                                                Lescano, who is leading polls in the run-up
                         A wider set of concerns              to the first round of voting on April 11, has said
                         But Ecopetrol is not the only entity in Bogota to   he believes the economy will improve if Peru
                         emphasise ESG issues, economic diversification   focuses more intensively on the production of
                         and the energy transition. Its concerns seem to   gold, silver and copper. He has also stated his
                         be shared by the Colombian government – or   support for proposals to build a pipeline so   Mesa expects
                         at least by Mines and Energy Minister Diego   that Peru can import more natural gas from
                         Mesa, who talked to Bloomberg last week about   neighbouring Bolivia. The link will allow Peru   Colombia
                         his hopes for the copper-mining sector.  to import larger amounts of gas at lower prices,
                           In a separate interview with the news agency,   since Bolivia can supply gas very cheaply, he   to continue
                         Mesa said he wanted to see Colombia become   said. It will also promote competition in the   producing crude
                         less dependent on oil and gas.       country’s domestic gas market, he said.
                           To this end, he said, the government will   “If you allow Bolivian gas [into Peru], prices   oil and natural
                         work to promote investments in the country’s   will fall because Bolivia has much cheaper gas,”
                         reserves of copper and golf, which are sub-  he was quoted as saying by Reuters earlier this   gas even if it
                         stantial. By the end of June, he said, Bogota is   week.
                         scheduled to award contracts for five new cop-  Certainly, competition is desirable. But in   starts focusing
                         per exploration blocks in the Cordoba and La   the event that Colombia took the spotlight off   on copper mining
                         Guajira provinces.                   oil and gas, it would still need fuel and energy
                           According to the minister, junior US and   – especially if it wanted to ramp up mining activ-
                         Canadian-based mining firms have already   ity, which is resource-intensive. As such, it might
                         shown interest in these sites, along with several   have to follow Peru’s example and seek gas from
                         local companies. He did not name any poten-  another supplier.
                         tial investors but said that the government   If so, it would be passing some of the envi-
                         had offered bidders a number of incentives,   ronmental hazards of oil and gas production and
                         including a pledge to streamline the permitting   consumption on to Bolivia – which is, inciden-
                         process.                             tally, facing additional risks because of its own
                           Mesa said he expected the bidding contest to   large lithium reserves. Moreover, it would be
                         draw strong interest. “Colombia could become   doing so after swapping out the risks involved in
                         one of the main producers of gold and copper,”   hydrocarbon exploration and development for
                         he told Bloomberg. “We know that the copper   the risks involved in mining.
                         belt starts in Chile, continues through Peru   Bogota would, of course, be working to miti-
                         [and] finishes in Panama.”           gate some of those risks by promoting renewable
                           In turn, he said, copper production is likely   energy projects. Indeed, Mesa told Bloomberg
                         to be a good investment for Colombia because   last week that the government was slated to hold
                         electrification and the upcoming shift to renew-  auctions for renewable electricity supplies in the
                         able energies will boost demand for copper, gold   second half of 2021. He also mentioned plans
                         and other metals used in power transmission   for raising the country’s generating capacity by
                         and distribution networks. In 2020 alone, he   7,000 MW through solar, wind and bioenergy
                         said, this trend led copper prices to double and   projects.
                         reach some of the highest levels posted within   Even so, the situation is complex, and Colom-
                         the last decade.                     bian authorities should not assume that de-em-
                           He added that he expected Colombia to   phasising oil and gas will resolve all questions.
                         continue producing oil and gas even if it started   This course does have the potential to remove
                         focusing more intently on copper extraction.   or diminish some of the environmental risks
                         Even so, he said, hydrocarbon output levels are   that the country is facing because of the oil and
                         sure to fall in the long term.       gas sector. But it may also involve exchanging
                           Ecopetrol’s bid for ISA seems to fall in line   hydrocarbon risks for mining risks – and these
                         with the concerns expressed by Mesa. That is,   should not be discounted, even if fossil fuels are
                         both initiatives are based on the assumption that   driving climate worries.. ™

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