Page 4 - LatAmOil Annual Review 2021
P. 4

LatAmOil                                         JANUARY                                            LatAmOil

                                                                                Biden and Lopez Obrador met in 2012 (Photo: Especial)

       Sore spots in US-Mexico

       energy relationship

       Biden takes office in the face of US concerns about competition in Mexico – and a

       Mexican leader’s determination to uphold his own preference for state-owned companies

                         ON his first day in office, incoming US Presi-  the interests of US oil and gas companies in
                         dent Joe Biden signed executive orders cancel-  other arenas – namely, in Mexico.
       WHAT:             ling the permit that his predecessor issued for
       Biden is expected in   the Keystone XL oil pipeline and recommitting   Presidential priorities
       some quarters to defend   Washington to the Paris Agreement on climate   Those interests are currently at risk because of
       US oil and gas interests   change. Then on his second day in office, he   the stances taken by Mexico’s President Andres
       more vigorously than his   signed another executive order putting a 60-day   Manuel Lopez Obrador.
       predecessor.      hold on the issuance of new leases for federal   The Mexican leader has in recent months
                         lands and waters for the purpose of fossil fuel   directed his administration to take every step
       WHY:              extraction. According to press reports and the   possible within the bounds of law to ensure that
       Trump is perceived to   Biden campaign’s previous statements, more   Pemex, the national oil company (NOC), retains
       have looked the other   executive orders along similar lines are expected   its leading position within the domestic hydro-
       way while Lopez Obrador   to follow in the near future, in line with the new   carbon industry. In so doing, he has upheld his
       favoured Pemex and   president’s position on environmental issues.  own preferences for state-owned enterprises,
       discouraged competition.
                           In other words, these policy decisions are not   which he sees as the natural and rightful leaders
       WHAT NEXT:        exactly coming out of the blue. It seems reason-  of the country’s energy sector. But he has also
       Biden is likely to be more   able to conclude, then, that Biden is not inclined   run up against the body of law that encourages
       focused on domestic pri-  to favour the fossil fuel industry.  competition and creates openings for private
       orities in the near term.  Nevertheless, there may be some limits   Mexican firms and international oil companies
                         to this lack of favour. Industry observers are   (IOCs) to invest in upstream, midstream and
                         expecting the new administration to champion   downstream projects.

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