Page 14 - MEOG Week 25 2021
P. 14

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                              or introduce taxes.                  leaseback agreement for Aramco’s stabilized
                                             Saudi Arabia, the region’s largest economy,   crude oil pipelines network. Aramco Oil
       Gulf states will take at            tripled a value-added tax last year to 15% on   Pipelines Company will receive a tariff payable
                                           the back of the pandemic and lower demand
                                                                                by Aramco for stabilized crude oil flows,
       least 10 years to end oil           for oil. In April Crown Prince Mohammed bin  backed by minimum volume commitments.
                                                                                Aramco continues to hold a 51% majority
                                           Salman said VAT would be reduced, and ruled
       dependence - Moody’s                out introducing personal income taxes.  stake in Aramco Oil Pipelines Company and
                                                                                retains full ownership and operational control
                                             Moody’s said non-oil growth in the region
       Countries in the oil-exporting Gulf will   is effectively subsidised through zero or very   of its stabilized crude oil pipeline network.
       remain heavily dependent on hydrocarbon   low direct taxes.                The transaction does not impose any
       production for at least the next ten years as   Broad income-based taxes - needed to   restrictions on Aramco’s actual crude oil
       efforts to diversify economies have made   durably reduce dependence on oil - are likely   production volumes, which are subject to
       limited progress since the 2014-2015 oil price   to be implemented only in the longer term, it   production decisions made by the Kingdom.
       shock, Moody’s said.                said.                                  Aramco President & CEO, Amin H.
         Reliance on the energy sector will be the   REUTERS                    Nasser, said: “We are pleased to conclude this
       “key credit constraint” for the six countries                            transaction with the global consortium. The
       forming the Gulf Cooperation Council                                     interest we have received from investors shows
       (GCC), the ratings agency said in a report on   COMPANIES                strong confidence in our operations and the
       Monday.                                                                  long-term outlook for our business. It is a
         “If oil prices average $55/barrel ... we   Aramco closes $12.4 billion   significant milestone that reflects the value of
       expect hydrocarbon production to remain the                              our assets and paves the way forward for our
       single largest contributor to GCC sovereigns’   infrastructure deal      portfolio optimization strategy. We plan to
       GDP, the main source of government revenue                               continue to explore opportunities to capitalize
       and, therefore, the key driver of fiscal strength   Aramco and an international investor   on our industry-leading capabilities and
       over at least the next decade,” it said.  consortium, including EIG and Mubadala,   attract the right type of investment to Saudi
         Oil and gas accounts for over 20% of gross   today announced the successful closing of the   Arabia.”
       domestic product and at least 50% of state   share sale and purchase agreement, in which   Abdulaziz M. Al Gudaimi, Aramco Senior
       revenues for most Gulf countries.   the consortium has acquired a 49% stake in   Vice President of Corporate Development,
         Meanwhile, plans to launch new    Aramco Oil Pipelines Company, a subsidiary   said: “The interest we received for this deal
       economic sectors have often overlapped,   of Aramco, for $12.4 billion.  is evidence of continued confidence in our
       creating competition among GCC states and   The consortium consists of a broad cross-  Company from institutional investors and
       constraining room for growth.       section of investors from North America, Asia   sets a new benchmark for infrastructure
         “While we expect the diversification   and the Middle East.            transactions globally. This transaction utilizes
       momentum to pick up, it will be dampened   This long-term investment by the   our world-class pipeline infrastructure to
       by reduced availability of resources to fund   consortium underscores the compelling   create additional value for our shareholders,
       diversification projects in a lower oil price   investment opportunity presented by   reinforcing our Company’s resilience and
       environment and by intra-GCC competition,”   Aramco’s globally-significant pipeline assets,   ability to adapt in a rapidly changing business
       Moody’s said.                       the Company’s robust long-term outlook and   environment.”
         Part of the problem is that the social   the attractiveness of the Kingdom of Saudi   R. Blair Thomas, EIG’s Chairman &
       contract between GCC states and citizens –   Arabia to institutional investors.  CEO, said: “We believe this is the marquee
       employment, free education and healthcare   As part of the transaction, first announced   infrastructure transaction globally and we
       for life in exchange for political acquiescence   in April 2021, Aramco Oil Pipelines Company   are pleased to see that so many leading
       - limits the ability to implement spending cuts   and Aramco entered into a 25-year lease and   international investors agree with us.”
                                                                                EOG eyes exploration

                                                                                drilling in Oman

                                                                                Big US upstream independent EOG Resources
                                                                                is gearing up for some uncharacteristic
                                                                                exploration drilling in Oman, the company’s
                                                                                president and next CEO said June 22, after
                                                                                making it’s first entry into the Middle East in
                                                                                late 2020.
                                                                                  Houston-based EOG plans to drill an
                                                                                onshore unconventional prospect later this
                                                                                year in the Rub Al-Khali Basin sited in Oman’s
                                                                                southwest region.
                                                                                  The project came about as EOG, a large
                                                                                US shale player that in Q1 2021 derived
                                                                                more than 99% of its roughly 431,000 b/d of

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