Page 17 - MEOG Week 25 2021
P. 17

MEOG                          NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                           MEOG

       NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  significant hurdle.
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join   Even if all existing natural gas storage capac-
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  ity across the 21 countries included in the report
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  was repurposed for hydrogen, Europe would still
                         regional beats.                      fall “far short” of the capacity it needs for antici-
                           We hope you will like NRG’s new concise for-  pated hydrogen demand in the future, the report
                         mat, but by clicking on the headline link for each  by Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE) concludes.
                         section the full text will be available as before.
                                                              FSUOGM: Gazprom’s China deal details
                         AfrOil: Coral South launch still on for 2022  Russia’s Gazprom has for the first time publicly
                         Italy’s Eni is on track to launch the Coral South  disclosed how much it is earning from natural
                         LNG project offshore Mozambique next year,  gas supplies to China via the Power of Siberia
                         despite the violence and civil unrest that has  pipeline.
                         slowed down TotalEnergies’ plans for develop-  In an investor presentation on June 17, Gaz-
                         ment of a nearby field.              prom’s deputy chairman Famil Sadigov said the
                           A spokesperson for the Italian major said ear-  company had delivered 4.1bn cubic metres of
                         lier this week that Eni aimed to begin extracting  gas to China in 2020 and earned RUB44.3bn
                         and processing gas from the Coral section of the  ($608mn) from those sales.
                         offshore block known as Area 4 in 2022, as pre-
                         viously anticipated.                 GLNG: Skikda LNG forced to shut
                                                              Algeria’s state-owned Sonatrach reported at the
                         AsianOil: Sarawak awards onshore project  weekend that it had taken the Skikda LNG plant
                         Sarawak state-owned Petroleum Sarawak (Pet-  offline on June 11. In a statement, Sonatrach
                         ros) has awarded the development contract for  attributed the shutdown to technical problems.
                         onshore Block SK433 to Malaysian independ-  “A technical issue occurred on June 11 at the
                         ents Petra Energy Development and Uzma  Skikda LNG complex and led to the shutdown of
                         Engineering.                         this complex,” it said.
                           Petros issued a letter of conditional award for
                         the block on June 15, Uzma said on June 18, add-  LatAmOil: Staatsolie awards shallow blocks
                         ing that its partner would operate the licence for  Suriname’s national oil company (NOC) Staat-
                         the joint venture.                   solie has concluded the Shallow Offshore Bid
                                                              Round by awarding three shallow-water off-
                         DMEA: Fuel subsidies and plastics    shore blocks to Chevron (US) and a consortium
                         In DMEA this week, we look at the IMF’s con-  set up by TotalEnergies (France) and Qatar
                         cerns about the resurgence of fuel subsidies  Petroleum.
                         in Nigeria as plastics manufacturers await   Staatsolie named Chevron and the consor-
                         improved feedstock availability.     tium as the winning bidders in the licensing
                           The International Monetary Fund (IMF)  round on June 18.
                         this week voiced its concern about the increas-
                         ing implementation of fuel subsidies in Nigeria  NorthAmOil: Hurricane disruption begins
                         despite Abuja claiming to have ended their use.  Some disruption to oil and gas operations in
                                                              the US Gulf of Mexico was seen last week, as a
                         EurOil: the hydrogen storage challenge  weather disturbance that later became Tropical
                         The EU has embraced hydrogen as a key tool  Storm Claudette threatened the region.
                         for decarbonising heavy industry and other sec-  Chevron and Occidental Petroleum both
                         tors, but a new report suggests that developing  said on June 17 that they were implementing
                         enough storage capacity for the fuel could be a  storm precautions at their offshore facilities.™

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                                              receive *NRG Editor’s Picks* for
                                                free by email each week here

       Week 25   23•June•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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