Page 12 - GLNG Week 08 2023
P. 12

GLNG                                            AMERICAS                                               GLNG

       Argentina’s National Congress

       delays debate of LNG bill

        ARGENTINA        ARGENTINA’S National Congress is looking  definitely include a commitment to keep tax
                         to start debating a draft law designed to encour-  rates stable and may include 30-year export
       Legislators had said   age investment in natural gas and LNG projects  authorisations, he said.
       previously that they   next month, a source in the South American   The draft law is seen as a vital step toward
       hoped to discuss   country’s Energy Secretariat told Reuters last  supporting large-scale development of the Vaca
       the bill, which   week.                                Muerta shale basin, which contains unconven-
       aims to encourage   Legislators had said previously that they  tional gas reserves large enough to serve the
       construction of new   hoped to discuss the bill, which aims to encour-  export market as well as Argentina’s domestic gas
       gas transportation   age construction of new gas transportation  consumers. It aims to foster the construction of
       infrastructure and LNG   infrastructure and LNG production and export  pipelines linking the basin to the country’s pop-
       production and export   facilities, in January or February of this year –  ulation centres and coastal ports, as well as gas
       facilities, in January or   that is, during a special session of the National  liquefaction plants and terminals.
       February of this year.  Congress. But according to Reuters’ source, they   There are several proposed initiatives that
                         were not able to do so in light of certain changes  hinge on the passage of the law. Argentina’s
                         made to the draft legislation.       national oil company (NOC) YPF has said it
                           As such, debate is now likely to continue in  intends to establish a joint venture with its Malay-
                         March, during the next regular session of the  sian counterpart Petronas for the construction of
                         National Congress, the source said.  a pipeline and LNG plant for Vaca Muerta gas at
                           He did not detail the exact nature of the  a cost of $10bn. Meanwhile, US-based Excelerate
                         changes made to the bill. However, he did say  Energy has teamed up with Transportadora de
                         that the draft law included provisions that  Gas del Sur (TGS) to build its own LNG plant,
                         offered tax breaks to investors that committed to  which could come online as soon as 2025.
                         LNG projects with specific annual investment   Vaca Muerta is one of the largest shale for-
                         targets and minimum investment levels.  mations in the world. It is around the size of Bel-
                           Additionally, he noted that it would offer  gium and contains about 308 trillion cubic feet
                         investors certain guarantees from the govern-  (8.722 trillion cubic metres) of shale gas, accord-
                         ment in order to reduce the political risk of  ing to estimates from the US Energy Information
                         gas and LNG projects. These guarantees will  Administration (EIA). ™

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