Page 15 - GLNG Week 08 2023
P. 15

GLNG                                             EUROPE                                               GLNG

       Croatia to connect natural gas network,

       LNG terminal to Bosnia

        CROATIA          CROATIA will connect its natural gas network  Southern Gas Interconnection, aiming to help
                         and the Krk liquified natural gas (LNG) termi-  Bosnia’s gasification.
       This will help Bosnia   nal with neighbouring Bosnia & Herzegovina   “We are in talks with officials from Bosnia &
       achieve independence   via the Southern Gas Interconnection, helping  Herzegovina to build the pipeline so that the gas
       from Russian gas.  Sarajevo to secure independence from Russian  arriving at the LNG terminal could also be used
                         gas, Economy and Sustainable Development  to supply Bosnia. Croats in Croatia and Croats in
                         Minister Davor Filipovic said in a statement.  Bosnia are parts of the same [ethnic] group, and
                           The statement follows a threat by Bosnian  it is only natural that we have Bosnian Croats in
                         Serb politicians to boycott the work of state-level  mind when we plan to build a pipeline in Croatia
                         institutions if the state-level government refuses  leading to Bosnia,” Filipovic said as quoted in the
                         to give the green light to the construction of a  statement.
                         new pipeline that would transport gas from Rus-  The 180-km Southern Gas Interconnection is
                         sia by the end of the week.          a cross-border pipeline connecting Croatia and
                           Bosnia consists of two autonomous entities  Bosnia, which should help reduce Bosnia’s full
                         – the pro-Russian Serb-dominated Republika  dependence on Russian gas. Currently, Bosnia
                         Srpska and the Muslim-Croat Federation. While  has only one cross-border connection, which is
                         the Federation is pushing for reforms that would  an extension of the Turkish Stream pipeline run
                         secure the country EU membership and is rather  by Gazprom.
                         pro-Western, Republika Srpska has been block-  However, the Southern Gas Interconnec-
                         ing reforms for years and its current President  tion, which was approved by the Federation in
                         Milorad Dodik is a loyal supporter of Russian  2021, has been delayed due to opposition from
                         President Vladimir Putin.            the main Croat party in Bosnia, HDZ BiH. The
                           Filipovic said that Croatia will participate in  party has been in coalition with the main Serb
                         the €100mn project for the construction of the  party, the SNSD, for years. ™

       Week 08   24•February•2023               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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