Page 18 - GLNG Week 08 2023
P. 18
Neste’s engineering unit Transmission Business at Gasgrid Finland Oy. infrastructures at the heart of the development of
LNG mobility.
The gas transmission pipeline EPCM
finishes pipeline for Gasgrid work was co-ordinated together with Gasgrid promoting access to low-carbon and competitive
“This offer illustrates Elengy’s commitment to
Finland and Ramboll Finland Oy, which
Finland’s floating LNG were responsible for the port struc-tures. energy. The transport of LNG by rail confirms
Neste’s Engineering Solutions’ scope included
our ambition to accelerate the decarbonisation of
project detailed design, procurement of materials heavy mobility solutions and to play a role in the
energy transition,” explained Nelly Nicoli, Elengy’s
with expedition, contracting and construction
Neste’s Engineering Solutions, a global management for the gas transmission CEO.
solution provider of high-quality technology, pipeline, civil works and integration to the “In a context where emissions are likely to
engineering, and project services, has existing infrastructure. The project also become increasingly important, DELTA RAIL is
completed construction work of the 2.2 km included assistance in procurement of critical very proud to be associated with a leading energy
long gas transmission pipeline from the equipment, such as the gas unloading arm, company thereby highlighting the advantages of
port of the LNG floating terminal vessel in not belonging to the traditional pipeline combined rail-road transport and to offer low-
Inkoo Finland deep harbour area, to answer design scope. carbon logistics. We are convinced that modal
the needs of its long-term partner, Gasgrid shift is one of the levers for taking action to reduce
Finland. Gasgrid Finland has implemented greenhouse gas emissions with an immediate
the FSRU project to secure the supply of gas to Elengy and Delta Rail to impact. Its energy efficiency will enable us to
industry, energy production, and households, achieve carbon neutrality by 2050,” added Ben
as well as to safeguard Finland’s security of launch new LNG container Smail, CEO of Delta Rail.
supply from Winter 2023 onwards.
The FSRU project pipeline part included service in Europe
engineering, procurement and construc-tion Sunrise partners to
management (EPCM) services of the gas Elengy, an expert in LNG, and Delta Rail, a
transmission pipeline and equipment needed transport solutions operator, have announced the carry out concept select
to connect the FSRU to the main Finnish gas launch of a new LNG container loading service
transmission network. Work began in June from multimodal platforms remote from the programme
2022 and most of the demanding work for this LNG terminals operated by Elengy.
project was finalised during 2022. The EPCM The service will ensure the provision to the The Sunrise joint venture (SJV), comprising
work was executed well within schedule. The customers of containers loaded with the requested TIMOR GAP (56.56%), operator Woodside
first natural gas molecules from the LNG LNG quantity at one of the multimodal platforms Energy (33.44%), and Osaka Gas Australia
floating terminal vessel were transmitted via of the Delta Rail’s network in France or Germany. (10%), have announced its commitment to
the pipe-line on 29 December 2022. The containers will be transported via a combined undertake a concept select programme for the
“We are proud to have been part of such a logistics system, stored and loaded at the Elengy development of the Greater Sunrise fields.
critical project and happy that our extensive terminals in Fos-sur-Mer before being handed The SJV will consider all of the key issues
knowledge in natural gas infrastructure and over to customers at destination. for delivering the gas, for processing and LNG
LNG terminals proved very useful,” said Elengy is pursuing its industrial ambition to sales, to Timor-Leste compared to delivering
Patrick von Essen, Senior Vice President, offer innovative services adapted to the evolution the gas to Australia.
Engineering Solutions at Neste. of energy demand. Moreover, in a context The studies will incorporate and update
“The project has been a success. Thanks of a tight LNG market, this logistics solution previous work by utilising the latest
to the committed and experienced pro- is bringing new LNG loading capacities in technologies and cost estimates while also
fessionals, we were able to engineer, construct, Germany. considering the socio-economic, capacity
and commission the new port struc-tures This agreement illustrates Elengy’s building, safety, environmental, strategic, and
and gas network connection in record time. commitment to developing LNG as a fuel, security benefits of the various options. The
The Inkoo LNG floating terminal project is an essential solution for decarbonising heavy studies will include evaluation of which option
an excellent example of teamwork between mobility. After the LNG tanker-truck loading provides the most meaningful benefit for the
different parties at its best. Now that our LNG service opened in 2013 and the start in 2021 people of Timor-Leste. The SJV is aiming
floating terminal is ready, it also improves of the LNG bunkering vessels loading service, to complete the concept select programme
the security of supply for Finnish society,” the launch of the rail service positions Elengy’s expeditiously given the benefits that could
added Esa Hallivuori, Senior Vice President, terminals as true multimodal hubs and as flow from developing the Sunrise fields.
P18 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 08 24•February•2023