Page 13 - FSUOGM Week 46 2022
P. 13
Azerbaijan reduced oil not think about thrift, this issue will not and Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham
Aliev plan to visit Turkmenistan in early
be resolved. It should be openly said that
production by 5.4%, increased [energy] waste is most often observed in December to discuss how the country might
be involved in a planned gas hub in Turkey,
regional centres and the capital."
gas by 7.5% in first 10 months temporarily turn off street lighting and LED AKIPress reported on November 15.
Khodjaev also announced plans to
Erdogan spoke about the visit while
Oil production with gas condensate in advertising screens in the capital. answering a journalist's question at
Azerbaijan in January-October amounted "This also applies to illumination on the Istanbul Airport before his departure to
to 27.23mn tonnes, which is 5.4% lower streets, and unnecessary lighting lamps… Indonesia for the G20 summit in Bali. In
y/y, the State Statistics Committee In this direction, we have developed a new referring to plans to make Turkey an energy
said in a monthly report. In particular, operating procedure: after a certain time, hub, he mentioned the upcoming trip to
the production of marketable oil with all the unnecessarily power-burning street Turkmenistan, where he intended to have
condensate was 27.161mn tonnes (a lighting devices will be turned off, the trilateral talks on the subject.
decrease of 5.5%). power supply of advertising [LED screens] Notably, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan
Gas production in Azerbaijan in January- will be completely suspended at certain are arranging the joint development of the
October amounted to 38.4 bcm (an increase hours, and the saved energy will be directed Dostluk field in the Caspian Sea. The two
of 7.5%). At the same time, commercial gas to remote regions," he said. countries previously clashed in a prolonge
production amounted was 28.6 bcm (an The deputy head of the ministry said he dispute over the boundaries and ownership
increase of 8.6%). In 2021, oil production believed that residents of the regions value of the field.
with gas condensate in Azerbaijan was electricity more, therefore they save it;
34.58mn tonnes (an increase of 0.1%), gas whereas in Tashkent and regional centres,
was at 43.86 bcm (an increase of 18.1%). where uninterrupted power supplies are Russian oil major Rosneft to
provided, the issue of energy saving should
still be regarded as very relevant. offer interim 9M22 dividend
Uzbekistan urges citizens to buildings. "There are many cases of wasted The board of Russia’s largest oil company
Khodjaev also noted waste in heated
curb energy waste amid power energy for heating. We have to fight state-controlled Rosneft recommended an
interim dividend of RUB20.4 per share for
this. This does not mean that we should
outages caused by lack of gas not think about increasing electricity 9M22, in line with the previous reports.
production, we are obliged to increase
The dividend is to be approved at the
Amid widespread power outages caused production by eight to 10% per year," he extraordinary shareholder meeting on
by a shortage of natural gas needed as fuel said. December 23.
to generate electricity, Uzbekistan’s energy The National Electricity Control Centre The interim dividend could amount to
ministry has threatened measures against earlier warned of possible blackouts more than RUB216bn ($3.5bn), or 50% of
employees of energy supply companies across the Central Asian region due to the IFRS net profit, for 9M22, in line with the
responsible for regions where electricity natural gas shortage in Uzbekistan. The dividend policy for Russian state-owned
stoppages are lasting “many hours”. centre’s director, Muzaffar Boboev, said enterprises (SOEs).
“In order to prevent a major accident in a letter to the energy ministry that the As followed by bne IntelliNews,
in the power system, short-term outages "severe" situation around gas supplies that dividends from another state giant Gazprom
are possible in order to balance electricity started last week led to the stoppage of two supported the federal budget in 10M22.
production and consumption,” deputy power blocks at Tashkent Thermal Power To remind, previously in July the
energy minister, Sherzod Khodjaev, told a Plant. Boboev called for measures to save shareholders of Rosneft have approved the
press conference on November 16. electricity in order to prevent possible payment of a record RUB441.5bn ($8.1bn)
"We are forced to take such measures. blackouts that may affect Uzbekistan as in dividends for 2021. The CEO of Rosneft
We have statistics [on outages]. We don't well as neighbouring Kazakhstan and Igor Sechin pledged an even higher payout
want to justify ourselves. If you give specific Kyrgyzstan, which receive electricity from in 2022.
information about regions where they Tashkent. In September, Rosneft had announced its
are constantly disconnected for 12 hours At the beginning of this year, Uzbekistan, intention to continue dividend payments,
a day, we will study it… as the graphs of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, endured a noting that its 1H22 IFRS results – for
constraints have been developed. If in some regionwide power outage, the like of which which only headline numbers were
regions these schedules are not observed had never been experienced before. released – formed a good basis for dividend
and instead of disconnecting for half an The blackout in Uzbekistan lasted several payments. Rosneft's net profit climbed 13%
hour or an hour they are disconnected for hours and caused chaos. Subway trains got in 1H22 to RUB432bn ($, attributed
12 hours, then we will take measures against stuck in tunnels and skiers were stranded on to tighter cost controls.
responsible officials. First of all, we will skilifts, while airports were forced to shut The result was achieved despite the
study the reasons. Secondly, if there was a down, traffic lights had to be switched off impact of Western sanctions and other
human factor, we will take measures against and district heating and tap water pumps negative pressures as a result of Moscow’s
employees," he added. came to a halt. invasion of Ukraine, which have impeded
Khodjaev emphasised that "today's some exports and complicated Russian oil
electricity shortage does not require a companies’ ability to raise financing.
power outage of eight to 10 hours." Erdogan, Aliyev to visit
Asked why most of the neverending
blackouts—as well as instances of low Turkmenistan to discuss gas
gas pressure—mainly occur in remote
regions, the deputy minister said: "It’s very options
true criticism. We have to start making
economies with ourselves. If each of us does Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Week 46 19•November•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P13