Page 22 - DMEA Week 13 2021
P. 22

DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

         “That will lead to growth of the company   such as the flagship tourism project at the Red   estimated to be completed by the first quarter
       so stakeholders will own more money. In   Sea, planned $500 billion Neom economic   of 2022.
       exchange the Saudi government will help   zone and the entertainment hub at Qiddya.  Of the eight refineries with 1.15 million
       them with regulations, more subsidies and   REUTERS                      barrels per day (bpd) of installed capacity,
       other incentives.”                                                       binding proposals for Petrobras’ three
         The prince said dividends for those owning                             refineries, namely REMAN in Amazonas,
       shares in Aramco, which listed on the local   REFINING                   LUBNOR in Ceara and SIX in Parana states
       bourse in 2019, would remain stable.                                     are still in progress.
         “We promised them that and we will keep   Petrobras finalises refinery   Last December, Petrobras received the
       that promise,” he said. The Saudi government                             binding offer for REFAP in the state of Rio
       still owns 98% of the firm.         sale to Mubadala                     Grande do Sul. Two other refineries, namely
         Finance Minister Mohammed al-Jadaan                                    RNEST in Pernambuco state and REGAP
       told Reuters that 24 companies, the majority   Petrobras PBR recently entered into an   in Minas Gerais with production capacities
       listed firms, would invest 2 trillion riyals by   agreement to sell its Landulpho Alves Refinery  worth 130,000 bpd and 166,000 bpd each are
       2025 and another 3 trillion riyals by 2030. PIF   (RLAM) and its related logistics assets to Abu   slated to get binding offers in the first quarter
       is a shareholder in most of them, he added.  Dhabi’s Mubadala Capital for $1.65 billion,   of this year.
         Jadaan said the state would offer support,   contingent on regulatory approvals.  ZACKS
       including soft loans from Saudi development   For quite some time, Petrobras has been
       institutions and tax incentives at free zones,   looking for a lucrative divestment bid for its   BPCL acquires OQ’s stake in
       in line with World Trade Organization   RLAM in the Brazilian state of Bahia from
       guidelines.                         prospective buyers. Notably, in June 2020,   Bina refinery
         The crown prince said the government   Mubadala Investment Company began
       planned to offload its shares in companies   exclusive talks with Petrobras authorities   Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL)
       in coming years and to IPO projects it is   after submitting the best offer to purchase   on Wednesday signed a share purchase
       launching.                          the company’s RLAM and getting the   agreement to buy the 36.62% equity it does
         “We will recycle the money. We shouldn’t   invitation to negotiate the deal. However,   not already own in Bharat Oman Refineries
       keep our shares forever. Whatever mature   discussions were stalled due to some reasons.   Ltd (BORL) from OQ S.A.0.C.(formerly
       investment we have we have to IPO. So for   Then again last December, the state energy   known as Oman Oil Company S.A.O.C) at Rs
       example if you own 70% of a company, PIF   producer mulled over a buyout option from   27 a share in a deal worth Rs 2,399.26 crore.
       should maintain majority at 30% and sell   the Mubadala Group.             The acquisition will make the 7.8 million
       40%,” he told journalists.             Meanwhile, management informed that   tonnes (mt) capacity refinery, located at Bina
         The prince has said that Aramco would   this state-run energy giant’s sale process of   in Madhya Pradesh a wholly-owned unit of
       sell more shares as part of plans to bolster   Refinaria Presidente Getulio Vargas (REPAR)   BPCL.
       sovereign wealth fund PIF, the main vehicle   in Parana state was unsuccessful and it chose   “With the acquisition of OQ’s
       for boosting Saudi investments at home and   to halt the same. The deal fell through because   entire stake in BORL, BPCL will establish
       abroad.                             the binding offers that Petrobras received for   control over BORL. This is expected to bring
         The prince said on Tuesday that PIF is   the refinery comprised conditions that failed   immense advantages to both the companies
       working with other sovereign wealth funds in   to meet its economic-financial evaluation.   in terms of synergies and optimization of
       the region on a fund called “Invest In Saudi”   However, now the company plans to resume   returns and will facilitate any future expansion
       that would be sized at 500 billion riyals to 1   the divestiture of REPAR shortly.  or diversification in Bina†, N. Vijayagopal,
       trillion riyals.                       Petrobras’ sale of eight refineries is   Director (Finance) of BPCL said.
         PIF is backing domestic mega-projects   currently on track and all the divestments are   BUSINESS LINE

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