Page 24 - DMEA Week 13 2021
P. 24
NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)
NRG WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global The well at the Shafag-Asiman block was sunk
(NRG), in which the reader is invited to join to a depth of almost 7,200 metres. It is the first
our team of international editors, who provide a borehole to be completed in years in the Azeri
snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their Caspian Sea, where exploration activity has been
regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new muted because of low oil prices and rig scarcity.
concise format, but by clicking on the headline
link for each section the full text will be available GLNG: Corpus Christi 3 approved
as before. The third train at Cheniere Energy’s Corpus
Christi LNG export terminal on the Texas Gulf
AfrOil: Mozambique’s security setback Coast has been approved by the US Federal
The Mozambique LNG consortium has suffered Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to
another serious setback within the last week. enter commercial service. This comes after the
Total, the operator of the group, has suspended train has already been operating in test mode for
operations and evacuated nearly all workers months.
from the site on the Afungi Peninsula where it
has been building a gas liquefaction plant since LatAmOil: AMLO’s latest salvo
March 24, when the nearby town of Palma Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obra-
was besieged by fighters loyal to Ahlu Sunnah dor has reportedly stepped up his campaign to
Wa-Jamo (ASWJ). secure state control over the energy industry.
According to Reuters, the president has sent a
AsianOil: India continues push to end cuts bill to Congress that gives the government the
The Indian government maintained its pressure right to suspend permits granted to the develop-
on OPEC+ and Saudi Arabia this past week, ers of oil and gas fields under certain conditions.
pushing for an easing in production cuts in order
to lower international oil prices. MEOG: Oil deals abound
Indian Minister of Petroleum and Natural Last week was one of deals in the Middle East
Gas Dharmendra Pradhan said on March 26 that as political, field development and maintenance
his country’s energy purchases were driven by agreements were reached as producers look to
commercial interests and not bilateral relations. sustain and grow production.
Meanwhile, Iraq signed deals with Total
EurOil: North Sea M&A heats up and Schlumberger while noting its intention to
Polish gas company PGNiG has continued its increase production capacity to 8mn barrels per
acquisition spree off Norway with its biggest day (bpd) by 2029.
purchase to date worth $615mn.
The state-owned firm has struck a deal to NorthAmOil: Chevron eyeing Shell refinery
acquire the Norwegian business of UK group Super-major Chevron has reportedly emerged as
Ineos, which produces around 33,000 barrels of the leading contender to buy a refinery in the US
oil equivalent per day (boepd), including 1.5bn Pacific Northwest that is owned by Royal Dutch
cubic metres per year of gas. Shell.
This was reported by Reuters, which cited
FSU OGM: Fresh gas find in Caspian three sources familiar with the matter on March
BP and Azerbaijan’s state-owned SOCAR have 27 as saying that Chevron was first in line to buy
made an ultra-deep gas and condensate discov- the Puget Sound refinery in Anacortes, Wash-
ery in the Caspian Sea after 14 months of drilling. ington State.
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P24 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 13 01•April•2021