Page 44 - TURKRptAug21
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     However, a Turkish trader told ICIS the additional spot capacity booked at Turkgozu would allow BOTAS to plug rising gas demand from the electricity sector at a time when hydro production is reduced because Turkey experiences one of its driest years since 2014.
It would also help to offset falling supplies linked to the expiry of the Shah Deniz I contract, a 4bcm/year Russian pipeline gas contract and a 1.2bcm/year Nigerian LNG contract. The first two expired in April and June 2021 and the latter is due to expire in September or October 2021, sources said.
BOTAS recently secured nine LNG cargoes from QatarPetroleum at a TTF price plus a €0.50/MWh premium for October-December 2021 and at TTF flat for August and September, several sources told ICIS.
Russian gas flows into Turkey are reportedly reduced as independent importers are not receiving any volumes from Gazprom. The companies had been embroiled in an arbitration with Gazprom over an earlier price discount and a Swedish appeal court awarded in Gazprom’s favour earlier this summer.
There are also reports that BOTAS has offtaken all the gas contracted as part of a 4bcm/year long-term agreement with Gazprom by mid-June. The contract is due to expire this year. Any volumes offtaken by Gazprom after that date may have been make-up gas to which it is entitled as part of the long-term agreement.
 8.1.2 Automotive sector news
    In H1, combined sales of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles in Turkey increased by 55% y/y to some 395,000.
  44 TURKEY Country Report August 2021

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